• 中国敦促加拿大确保出口食品安全

    19-06-27 China has urged Canada to take effective rectifying measures to ensure safety of food exported to China. 中国敦促加拿大采取有效整改措施确保出口中国的食品安全。 Chinese customs authorities recently detected ractopamine residues in a batch of pork pro...

  • 中国敦促加拿大确保出口食品安全

    19-06-27 China has urged Canada to take effective rectifying measures to ensure safety of food exported to China. 中国敦促加拿大采取有效整改措施确保出口中国的食品安全。 Chinese customs authorities recently detected ractopamine residues in a batch of pork pro...

  • 猪肉生产商打算供应猪器官用于人体移植

    17-05-12 Smithfield Foods, the worlds largest pork producer, doesnt just raise pigs to be eaten. 作为全球最大的猪肉生产商,史密斯菲尔德食品公司养猪可不仅仅是为了做成食品。 The company announced lately that it plans to explore the possibility of using its hog...

  • 火锅食材英文大搜罗

    16-06-02 白菜 Chinese cabbage 空心菜 water spinach 油麦菜/生菜 lettuce 茼蒿 crown daisy 菠菜 spinach 韭菜 Chinese chive/leek 韭黄 leek shoot 香菜 coriander 莲藕 lotus root 冬瓜 white gourd 青笋 endive sprout 豆芽 bean sprout 豆腐 tofu 油豆腐 fried bean curd...

  • hog cycle 猪周期

    16-05-25 After several years of low prices, the price of pork rose this year to a new historical peak. Reviewing the fluctuating pork prices in China, there is an obvious hog cycle . 前几年猪肉价格持续低迷,但今年猪肉价格上涨,达到历史新高。回顾中国近年来的...

  • 中国商务部:今年猪肉价格不会高涨

    16-04-08 Chinas Ministry of Commerce says pork prices will remain high this year, but will not soar. 中国商务部部长表示,今年猪肉价格仍居高不下,但不会高涨。 Ministry spokesperson Shen Danyan outlined the contributing factors to the pork prices hike. This po...

  • 三月以来中国猪肉价格上涨近50%

    15-07-23 New analysis shows pork prices in China have spiked by nearly 50-percent since March. 最新分析显示,三月以来中国的猪肉价格上涨接近50%。 Pork prices are now at their highest levels in some 3-years. Pork prices in 36 different cities in China have inc...

  • 《舌尖上的中国》S2E3中的美食

    14-05-28 雷笋炒肉丝 Thunder bamboo shoots fried with shredded pork 笋干炖鸡 Stewed chicken with dried bamboo shoots 铁锅炖鱼 Fish and tofu stewed in iron pot 咸肉蒸黄泥拱竹笋 Steamed bacon with Huang-ni-gong bamboo shoots 榆钱饭 Elm seeds meal 九层皮 Nine-la...

  • 改善猪肉的口味

    10-12-03 Perhaps you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear, but scientists are reporting progress in pulling off the same trick with the notoriously bland(乏味的,温和的) flavor of pork. They are reporting new insights into the biochemical differences...

  • 阿根廷女总统:吃猪肉作用胜过“伟哥”

    10-02-06 Argentina's president thinks eating pig meat is really sexy. Many people in this beef-loving nation reacted with surprise on Thursday after Cristina Fernandez promoted pork in a speech during which she not only said pork is better than Viagra, but s...