• 巴西一架飞机坠毁 16人死亡

    11-07-14 A twin-engine aircraft has crashed in north-east Brazil, killing all 16 people on board. 一架双引擎飞机在巴西东北部地区坠毁,舱内16人全部死亡。 Firefighters said there were no survivors from the crash The crew had reported problems almost immediatel...

  • “飞行员失误”导致俄罗斯客机坠毁

    11-06-22 Officials are investigating the cause of a plane crash in north-western Russia that killed 44 people. 俄罗斯官员目前正在调查近日某客机在西北部地区坠毁的原因,此次事故使44人死亡。 Russian Deputy PM Sergey Ivanov said the crash, near the city of Petro...

  • 俄罗斯客机坠毁 44人死亡

    11-06-21 Forty-four people have been killed and eight injured in a plane crash in north-western Russia, officials say. 俄罗斯官方发布消息称,一家飞机在西北部地区坠毁,44人死亡、8人受伤。 The aircraft attempted to land on a motorway about 1km (0.6 miles) from...

  • 韩国军方误射民用客机

    11-06-19 South Korean troops have fired at a passenger jet after mistaking it for a North Korean aircraft. 韩国军队误将一艘喷气式客机当成朝鲜军事飞机而向其开火。 Soldiers on Gyodong island, off South Korea's west coast, fired 99 rifle rounds at the Asiana fl...

  • 法国航空坠毁客机的飞行记录器已找到

    11-04-28 Search teams say they have discovered part of a flight recorder from the Air France plane that crashed in 2009, off the coast of Brazil. 搜救人员称,他们已找到2009年在巴西沿岸海域坠落的法国航空客机上的一部分飞行记录器。 Hundreds of images have been...

  • 法国航空将打捞09年失事飞机残骸

    11-04-06 Specialists could start recovering bodies of those killed in Air France's 2009 plane crash off Brazil within weeks, French officials say. 法国官员称,有关专家将在数周之内开始打捞2009年法国航空公司在巴西附近海域坠毁客机的残...

  • 航空调度员疲劳易导致空难发生

    11-01-21 Washington State University sleep researchers have determined that the air traffic controller in the crash of a Lexington, Ky., commuter flight was substantially fatigued(疲乏的) when he failed to detect that the plane was on the wrong runway and...

  • 伊朗航空一架客机坠毁 数十人死亡

    11-01-10 An Iranian passenger plane with more than 100 people on board has crashed in north-western Iran, killing at least 72, officials say. 伊朗官员称,一架载有100多人的客机在伊朗西北部地区坠毁,至少72人死亡。 The plane came down near the city of Orumiyeh...

  • 美国男子因1968年劫机被判刑15年

    11-01-05 A US man of Cuban origin has been sentenced to 15 years in jail for hijacking a plane from New York to Cuba in 1968. 一位古巴裔美国男子因在1968年劫持一架由纽约飞往古巴的飞机而被判15年监禁。 Luis Armando Pena Soltren had returned from Cuba to be with...

  • 古巴发生客机坠毁事故

    10-11-05 A Cuban passenger plane has crashed in the centre of the country with 68 people on board. 一架载有68人的古巴客机在其国内中部地区坠毁。 Rescuers are searching the area for any survivors The aircraft, belonging to the state-run Aerocaribbean airline,...