• Of Human Bondage 人性的枷锁 Chapter 46

    22-07-21 Philip did not find living in Paris as cheap as he had been led to believe and by February had spent most of the money with which he started. He was too proud to appeal to his guardian, nor did he wish Aunt Louisa to know that his circumstances were...

  • 不一样的撩人情话

    22-03-07 1. Call 打电话/称呼 Call作为打电话的意思,大家应该都知道,比如工作中的Im busy, please call me later. 那Call的另一个意思,作为称呼的意思可能是My name is Anthony, you can also call me Andy. 但是,说到搭讪,怎么用到Call这个单词呢?请看例句: Hi, my nam...

  • work along two lines at the same time 双管齐下

    22-01-22 双管齐下,汉语成语,原指手握两支笔,同时作画(paint a picture with a brush in each hand at the same time),后比喻为达到某种目的,同时从两方面进行。可以翻译为work along two lines at the same time。 例句: 美国宇航局做了两手准备,两套策略双管齐下。 N...

  • Northanger Abbey - Chapter 22

    21-11-29 The housemaids folding back her window-shutters at eight oclock the next day was the sound which first roused Catherine; and she opened her eyes, wondering that they could ever have been closed, on objects of cheerfulness; her fire was already burni...

  • in the picture 了解具体情况

    21-08-20 In the picture 字面意思是在图片里,但实际想表达的意思是了解具体情况和事态的来龙去脉。我们通常说 keep somebody in the picture 使某人了解详情。请看以下例句。 例句 Jane kept me fully in the picture so I knew what to expect when I attended the meeting....

  • 几部6月上映的电影

    21-06-01 Peter Rabbit 2《比得兔2:逃跑计划》 Critics werent too keen on 2018s Peter Rabbit, a blend of live-action and animation that owed less to Beatrix Potters charming picture books than to the slapstick violence of a Bugs Bunny cartoon. But audiences we...

  • “悖论思维” 能帮你更好地看问题吗

    21-05-10 我们往往用 矛盾 来描述两个看似互相对立、不应但确实同时存在的现实情况。逻辑学中,亦有 悖论 一词,那你知道什么是 悖论思维 吗? The chicken or the egg which came first? Its probably one of the most commonly cited paradoxes a chicken hatches from an egg...

  • 照片中的你是真的吗?

    21-03-03 I have a confession to make: I dont look very much like the picture I uploaded to my social media profile. Im actually a bit fatter, and my hair is a bit darker and well, I dont look that good in real life. But dont we all wish we looked better in p...

  • Work: A Story of Experience - Chapter 3

    21-01-24 FEELING that she had all the world before her where to choose, and that her next step ought to take her up at least one round higher on the ladder she was climbing, Christie decided not to try going out to service again. She knew very well that she...

  • 夸人漂亮的话怎么说

    20-10-14 Shes a ten. 十分,满分完美 相信很多人乍一听,会比较迷茫,不知所云。但是绝对不能直接翻译成她是十! 其实,这句话真正的意思是指某人十分完美,满分,跟perfect的意思差不多,相信很多女生听到这样的评价,心里一定乐开花了。 想想如果给某个很美的女生打分的话,...