• Set-jetting 影视主题游

    16-08-24 Set-jetting is the trend of traveling to destinations that are first seen in movies or TV series. For instance, touring London in a high-speed boat like James Bond, or visiting the stately homes that are seen in the Jane Austen films. The term was f...

  • A Rorschach Test

    16-07-13 A man goes to a psychiatrist. To start things off, the psychiatrist suggests they start with a Rorschach Test. He holds up the first picture and asks the man what he sees. A man and a woman making love in a park, the man replies. The psychiatrist ho...

  • 戴着脖圈的盛怒喵星人成新网红

    16-02-20 This furious Persian has become an internet sensation after pictures of him with this cone over his head went viral. 随着一张戴着脖圈的波斯猫的照片在网上迅速热传,照片中盛怒的喵星人也转眼成了一只网红。 The cat, called Albert, had to have the cone pu...

  • 一张卖了100万欧元的土豆照片

    16-01-30 A celebrated photographer has sold a picture of an Irish potato for 1m. 著名摄影师的一张土豆照竟能以100万欧元(约合714万元人民币)的价钱卖出。 Kevin Abosch, 46, confirmed he had sold the photograph of an organic potato shot on a black background to...

  • 2016年普京日历 你值得拥有

    16-01-02 Brace yourself for the Putin 2016 calendar. 2016年普京日历,你值得拥有。 Famous for his topless horse riding, shirtless fishing and bare-chested shooting, Russian president Vladimir Putin has been celebrated in the Putin 2016 calendar, produced by R...

  • 小宝宝与圣诞老人同眠照片获赞

    15-12-24 This is the moment a baby so tired from queuing to see Santa Claus curled up on his tummy and fell asleep. 因为等着和圣诞老人合照排了很长的队,小宝宝困倦不已,在圣诞老人肚皮上睡着了。 The image captured the hearts of thousands of people when it was...

  • 新软件助你拍到完美的旅游照片

    15-10-27 Everyone wants to head home with the perfect collection of holiday pictures, but more often than not that is impossible. 每个人都想把完美的假期照片带回家,然而这多半是不可能的。 Places such as the Taj Mahal and the Eiffel Tour get millions of visito...

  • 乔治小王子新照片曝光

    15-07-25 Grinning cheekily in his father's arms, Prince George can't resist monkeying around in this previously unseen photograph issued to mark his second birthday tomorrow. 明天就是乔治小王子的2周岁生日啦!在一张首次公布的照片中,乔治王子依偎在爸爸的怀里,...

  • 婚礼上求婚抢风头引起公怒

    15-06-05 Stealing the newlyweds' thunder is considered a terrible faux pas. 在新婚夫妇婚礼上抢风头是极度失礼的。 And so it is unsurprising that a picture showing a wedding guest proposing to his girlfriend right in front of the bride and groom at their recep...

  • Belfie Stick 臀部自拍杆

    15-04-13 If you're confused by the name, don't be; the 'b' is for behind and, yes, this is a stick that helps you take a picture of your rear end. 不要对这一名称感到困惑,单词中的b指的是behind(臀部)。是的,这是一款臀部自拍杆。 The Belfie Stick , from US co...