• Advice to Youth

    14-12-22 Being told I would be expected to talk here, I inquired what sort of talk I ought to make. They said it should be something suitable to youth-something didactic, instructive, or something in the nature of good advice. Very well. I have a few things...

  • 五位医护人员获评《时代》2014年度风云人物

    14-12-11 Five health care workers will share Time Magazine's 2014 Person of the Year award. 五位医护人员将共同获得《时代》杂志2014年度风云人物奖项。 The five include 46-year-old Doctor Jerry Brown, a medical director and general surgeon at the Eternal Love W...

  • cold turkey 绝对失败者,直截了当地

    14-11-26 Cold turkey describes the actions of a person who abruptly gives up a habit or addiction rather than gradually easing the process through gradual reduction or by using replacement medication. Cold turkey指一个人短时间内很快戒除了某个习惯或者成瘾的嗜...

  • diarrheaist 过度分享狂

    14-11-20 Diarrheaist refers to a person who shares too much online, particularly personal information. 过度分享狂是指在社交网站上分享过多信息特别是个人信息的人。 Example: The blog is like a personal journal to me. It's actually more like a diary to me so may...

  • sapiosexual 高智商控

    14-11-20 Sapiosexual refers to a person who is sexually attracted to intelligent people. 高智商控指会被聪明人吸引的人群。 This term is more or less a blend of the adjectives sapient and sexual, with an o shoehorned in to mirror terms such as heterosexual and...

  • carbon bigfoot 碳大脚

    14-11-06 Carbon Bigfoot refers to a person with absolutely zero regard for his or her carbon footprint, the sum of all emissions of CO2 induced by your activities; an anti-environmentalist. Carbon Bigfoot(碳大脚)指完全不在意自己碳足迹的人或者反环保人士。碳...

  • 法律英语:Ownership 所有权

    14-10-31 A person in possession is not bound to prove that the possessions belong him. 占有者无须证明自已为物主。 He is the de jure owner of the property. 他是财产的注定所有权人。 His title to the property is defective. 他的产权具有瑕疵。 A person may own la...

  • dobe 逗比

    14-10-27 Dobe is the Japanese slang word for idiot. Chinese youngsters use it to refer to a ridiculous person who is a stranger, or a funny one who is a friend. 逗比是日语里用来形容笨蛋的俚语。中国的年轻人用它来形容那些荒唐的陌生人或好笑的朋友。 We can compr...

  • photato 上镜的土豆

    14-10-15 Photato (Photogenic Potato) refers to someone that looks good in a photo, but looks ugly in person. 上镜的土豆指的就是那些本人长得并不出众,却很上镜的人。 She might be someone with a small face, or a slim body, or someone who is relaxed with the cam...

  • lunchbag 午餐盒人

    14-10-15 Lunchbag refers to loser or a person with no friends, doesn't fit in and does nothing right. These were people who brought lunch to school or office in a bag, then went off to sit and eat it alone because no-one liked them. Lunchbag(午餐盒人)指生...