• 我国将加强贸易合作 推动出口产业增长

    23-07-06 中国海关总署发布的数据显示,2022年中国货物贸易进出口总值再创历史新高。2023年,我国将加大对出口产业的支持力度,与贸易伙伴密切合作,推动外贸增长。 Longtan Container Terminal of Nanjing Port in Nanjing, Jiangsu province, May 6, 2022. [Photo/Xinhua] Chi...

  • 和“酒吧美食”有关的英语说法

    22-11-02 单词pub 酒吧是public house 公共房屋的缩略名称。这个场所在英国文化中扮演着重要的角色。比如,星期日烤肉 Sunday roast是在酒吧菜单上常见的美食之一。你了解这类食物的英语说法吗?我们在酒吧点餐时,常会听到哪些英语表达? 1. A popular pub food in pubs in Eng...

  • see the elephant 大开眼界、见世面

    22-10-28 I see 我们在看美剧的时候,常常能听到一句I see,这可不是我看见 而是我明白了、我懂了。 Oh, I see what youre saying. 哦,我明白你的意思了。 see the elephant 大家看到这个短语是不是第一时间就觉得是看见大象? 它确实有看见大象的意思,但是也有另一层意思表示...

  • 餐饮常识

    22-10-24 无论是到餐厅吃饭还是叫外卖,知道菜肴的名称和一些餐饮常用语都是很有帮助的。试试《英语小测验》看看你能否顺利订餐。 1. Fast food is very popular in the UK. What fast food item is being described here? Slices of flame-cooked lamb served in a pitta bread...

  • The Godfather 教父 Chapter 27

    22-09-15 Michael Corleone arrived late in the evening and, by his own order, was not met at the airport. Only two men accompanied him: Tom Hagen and a new bodyguard, named Albert Neri. The most lavish suite of rooms in the hotel had been set aside for Michae...

  • tall order 很难完成的任务或要求

    22-08-25 Chris告诉同事Jason, 准备买辆新车。 Jason: Hey there Chris, what are you up to? Chris: Im just poring over some brochures about various car models. J: Oh, so youre thinking about buying a new car? C: Yeah, it looks that way. My wife has been bugging...

  • 英国人什么时候说Sorry 中

    22-08-16 13. Not using enough milk. 没放够牛奶。 14. Coughing. 咳嗽。 15. Sneezing. 打喷嚏。 16. Swearing. 骂人。 17. Spilling your pint on someone. 你把酒洒到了别人身上。 18. When someone spills their pinton you. 别人把酒洒在了你身上。 19. When you pay for...

  • 关于吃喝的英文习语

    22-05-24 1. curry favour 讨好,奉承,拍马屁(curry是咖喱) Hes always trying to curry favour with the boss. 他总是想方设法拍老板马屁。 2. be in apple-pie order 井然有序;整齐;井井有条(apple-pie是苹果派) Their house is always in apple-pie order. 他们家总是...

  • 有关make的习语和表达 5

    22-05-10 17.make arrangements to do everything needed in order to be sure that something is done properly 做好全部筹备,以确定处理妥当 Ill make arrangements for this to be shipped to Japan. 我会安排好把这些运往日本。 We made arrangements for the meeting next...

  • do a joint order 拼单

    22-05-06 拼单指的是在购物时,找到与自己有相同购物需求的人进行有组织性的集体购买,从而以较低价格成交的行为。 它的英语是join upto get a good deal,也可以说do a joint order。 I did a joint order with 9 other people online.我在线上和另外9个人一起拼单。...