• spare no effort 不遗余力

    20-12-12 不遗余力,汉语成语,意思是把所有力量都使出来,一点也不保留,形容用尽全力做事。与英文短语spare no effort意思相近,表示do everything one possibly can in order to achieve something。也可以翻译为 make the best of ones way,do ones utmost。 例句: 我们应...

  • An Old-Fashioned Girl - Chapter 16

    20-11-12 THE weeks that followed taught the Shaws, as many other families have been taught, how rapidly riches take to themselves wings and fly away, when they once begin to go. Mr. Shaw carried out his plans with an energy and patience that worked wonders,...

  • 五个与外卖客服沟通时能用到的说法

    20-10-17 1.I cant wait any longer. Is it possible to cancel my order? 我不能再等了。可以取消我的订单吗? 订单的英文是order。下订单是place an order;取消订单是cancel an order。 2. Theres a food item missing. Can I have a refund? 我订的食物少了一样。可以给我退...

  • 中华人民共和国民事诉讼法 25

    20-09-16 第十五章 特别程序 第一节 一般规定 Chapter XV Special Procedure Section 1 General Provisions 第一百六十条 人民法院审理选民资格案件、宣告失踪或者宣告死亡案件、认定公民无民事行为能力或者限制民事行为能力案件和认定财产无主案件,适用本章规定。 Article 160...

  • 出生顺序影响职业道路

    18-08-12 For many years, studies have shown that birth order affects personality, but new research confirms that whether youre an older, middle or younger child bears an impact on career path too. 多年研究显示,出生顺序影响性格,但最新研究得出结论称,出生顺...

  • 特朗普签署“买美国货,雇美国人”行政命令

    17-04-19 U.S. President Donald Trump on Tuesday signed a Buy American, Hire American executive order in Kenosha, Wisconsin, initiating visa and government purchase reforms. 本周二,美国总统特朗普在威斯康辛州基诺沙签署一项买美国货,雇美国人的行政命令,开启签...

  • 英国女子点外卖顺便请人帮买药

    17-01-08 Plenty of us turn to takeout when were feeling too sick to cook. But a Belfast womans order has gone viral after she asked for a side order of medicine with her food. 很多人在生病时感觉没有力气做饭,就会叫份儿外卖。但近日英国贝尔法斯特一位女士的外卖...

  • 海淘英语之售后

    16-06-02 online dispute 网上纠纷 negative comment/feedback 差评 rate this item 给宝贝评分 write a review 评价 buyers shows 买家秀 change or cancel an order 修改或取消订单 track a package/parcel 追踪包裹 returns and refunds 退货、退款 replace or exchange item...

  • 海淘英语之增值服务&下单

    16-06-02 free shipping 免费送货 shipping weight 送货重量 gift-wrap available 提供礼品包装 free return 免费退货 add to cart 加入购物车 place your order 下单 checkout 结账 shipping method 送货方式 tracking number 订单编号...

  • executive order 行政令

    16-03-16 President Obama has announced his plans Tuesday for an executive order that will expand background checks for firearm purchases and put more resources into gun control enforcement. 1月5日,美国总统奥巴马宣布将通过行政令来扩大购枪者的背景调查,动用更...