• 消灭老鼠可以保护珊瑚礁

    21-04-02 饱受非议的老鼠不是一种能让人们联想起珊瑚礁的生物。但在热带岛屿上研究珊瑚礁的科学家们称,这类动物直接威胁到珊瑚礁周围生态系统的生存。 On the tropical Chagos Islands in the Indian Ocean, this is the sound of rat-free territory teeming with birdlife. T...

  • 数码时代食物

    21-03-10 Do you shop for groceries online and have them delivered to your door? Well, this might be just the start of a digital revolution in food. How about tattooed fruit, ice cubes which send text messages, and wine from the bottom of the ocean? All these...

  • 太极拳列入非物质文化遗产

    20-12-21 Tai Chi, a centuries-old martial art and now a popular form of exercise, was inscribed on the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity on Thursday eveni...

  • 深海探险队发现泰坦尼克号残骸腐蚀严重

    20-11-24 近15年来首批潜入泰坦尼克号的探险人员说,沉船残骸腐蚀程度在进一步地恶化。这个由深海探险家组成的国际团队先后五次潜入海底,对残骸进行了勘查。他们发现,虽然沉船的部分残骸状况出奇地好,但也有一些部分已经消失在大海中。 This is the sound of a submersible t...

  • 南乔治亚岛蓝鲸数量有所增长

    20-11-21 科学家们称,他们在亚南极地区的英属南乔治亚岛的沿海水域看到了数量惊人的蓝鲸。他们在历时23天的调查中统计了55头蓝鲸,这是自商业捕鲸活动结束后,几十年来前所未有的。 Whale experts have described the number of sightings as astonishing and say its a positi...

  • 过去30年南极变暖速度是其他地方的3倍

    20-09-05 The South Pole has warmed three times faster than the rest of the planet in the last 30 years due to warmer tropical ocean temperatures, new research showed. 新研究表明,由于热带海洋温度升高,南极在过去30年内的变暖速度是地球其他地方的3倍。 Antarctic...

  • 天津海洋馆降生小海豚

    19-05-13 A dolphin calf was born in an ocean park in north Chinas Tianjin Municipality, marking a rare success in bottlenose dolphin reproduction in an artificial habitat in China. 天津市某海洋公园降生一只小海豚,瓶鼻海豚在人工栖息地中成功生产在国内尚属罕见...

  • 中国国家海洋博物馆五一试运营

    19-04-26 Chinas first national maritime museum has scheduled trial operation for May 1, local authorities said Thursday. 中国首个国家海洋博物馆将于5月1日试运营。 The museum is in Binhai New Area of north Chinas Tianjin Municipality. Four exhibition halls, wh...

  • 荷兰公司启用海洋塑料清理机

    18-04-29 Scientists are preparing to launch the worlds first machine to clean up the planets largest mass of ocean plastic. 科学家们正准备率先使用机器清理地球上最大海洋塑料垃圾堆。 The system, originally dreamed up by a teenager, will be shipped out this sum...

  • 潜龙二号将进行技术升级

    18-04-08 Chinas unmanned submersible Qianlong II has completed 50 dives since its commission, and will have a technology upgrade soon, scientists said. 中国无人潜水器潜龙二号投入使用以来已经完成50次潜水,不久将会进行一次技术升级。 The undersea vehicle, which...