• 中国实时全球海洋监测网初步建立

    18-02-07 Chinese research vessel Kexue, or Science, recently placed the 400th profiling float in the northwest Pacific Ocean. 中国科学号考察船近期在太平洋西北部地区放置了400个探测浮标。 It signals the establishment of the first global real-time ocean observa...

  • 宁泽涛参观联合国总部

    17-10-22 Chinese champion swimmer Ning Zetao has paid a visit to the United Nations headquarters in New York. 中国游泳冠军宁泽涛受邀参观纽约联合国总部。 The 24-year-old met and chatted with Thomas Gass, Assistant Secretary-General for Policy Coordination and...

  • 中国建立深海细菌数据库

    17-07-24 China has built the worlds largest database of deep-sea bacteria. 中国已着手建立世界上最大的深海细菌数据库。 China has successfully split nearly 10,000 microbes and built the countrys first collection of deep-sea bacteria, which carries 22,000 micro...

  • 蛟龙号将在太平洋西北部深潜

    17-05-17 Chinas manned submersible Jiaolong departed from south Chinas Shenzhen for deep-sea dives in the northwestern Pacific Ocean on Tuesday. 中国载人潜水器蛟龙号周二离开深圳港,开赴太平洋西北部海域进行深海潜水。 During the mission, which runs until June...

  • 北冰洋越来越像大西洋

    17-04-10 The Arctic is undergoing an astonishingly rapid transition as climate change overwhelms the region. New research sheds light on the latest example of the changes afoot, showing that parts of the Arctic Ocean are becoming more like the Atlantic. Warm...

  • 英国公司2018将组织泰坦尼克潜水之旅

    17-03-16 Resting at a depth of 13,000ft (4,000m), the RMS Titanic continues to captivate the public more than a century after it sunk to the bottom of the North Atlantic Ocean. It has now been announced that those still intrigued by the vessel will be able t...

  • 美国的研究者声称已经破解了百慕大三角之谜

    16-11-04 Researchers in the US claim they have discovered the answer to the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle. 美国的研究者声称已经破解了百慕大三角之谜。 Covering more than half a million square miles of ocean located between Bermuda, Florida and Puerto Rica,...

  • 中国深海探测器探及海底10767米

    16-08-24 China has announced that it sent its first unmanned deep-sea submersible 10,767 meters deep in the ocean. 中国宣布其无人深海潜水器首次到达10767米的最新深度。 China has become the third country after Japan and the U.S. to reach such a depth. The anno...

  • 缅因湾的野生蓝青口为何消失了

    16-08-11 The Gulf of Maine coastline, historically home to one of the richest shellfish populations in the U.S., is undergoing a dramatic change, with once-flourishing wild blue mussels all but disappearing, according to a study led by University of Californ...

  • 阿根廷研究员在太平洋深处发现一座“金字塔”

    16-07-16 Humans have yet to explore the deep wonders of the sea, but a recent find suggests aliens may have already beaten us to it. 海洋深处的奇迹还有待人类去探索,但最新发现表明,在这方面外星人可能已经打败了我们。 Deep below the Pacific Ocean lies what one...