• Of Human Bondage 人性的枷锁 Chapter 74

    22-07-22 The following Saturday Mildred returned, and that evening Philip kept her to himself. He took seats for the play, and they drank champagne at dinner. It was her first gaiety in London for so long that she enjoyed everything ingenuously. She cuddled...

  • 各种睡眠问题

    22-07-04 1. insomnia 失眠 2. sleep deprivation 缺觉、睡眠不足 3. sleep disorder 睡眠障碍 4. jet lag 时差综合症,由时差造成的疲劳和睡眠障碍 5. night terrors 夜惊 6. teeth grinding 磨牙 7. nightmare 噩梦 8. sleepwalking 梦游...

  • 睡不着

    22-06-28 1. I couldnt fall asleep last night. 我昨晚睡不着。 2. I passed a wakeful night. 我彻夜未眠。 3. I was up all night. 我一整晚都没睡。 4. I had a sleepless night worrying about my exams. 我因为担心考试一整夜没睡。 5. Ive been suffering from insomnia....

  • 汉语中常用的口头禅

    22-04-02 1.你在搞笑吗? Are you kidding me? Tip:口语必学金句!说不定哪天砍价/吵架就能用上对不对! 2.还没睡呀? Still up? Tip:每次撩人都是这一句,要不就换个花样,来句英文? 3.昨晚没睡好吧? Rough night? Tip:一句话开启话题,拉近距离! 4.一会儿聊。 Catch up...

  • go south

    22-03-03 1 To escape; to vanish or disappear. (Not necessarily in a southerly direction.) 去逃跑;逃走不见或消失(并不一定是往南逃) 例: Everyone in the gang went south when they learned that the police had discovered their hideout. 那帮人听说警察发现了他们...

  • have words 拌嘴,争论,吵架

    22-02-07 Have words难道是有话说?如果你这么理解,那就错了。 Have words是拌嘴,争论,吵架的意思。 举个例子: Parents had words last night. 爸妈昨晚吵架了。...

  • toss and turn restlessly 辗转反侧

    22-01-22 辗转反侧,汉语成语,躺在床上翻来覆去睡不着。形容心里有所思念或心事重重。可以翻译为toss and turn restlessly,have a sleepless night或toss about (in bed)等。 例句: 辗转反侧,彻夜未眠 Toss about all night and without getting a wink of sleep 赫特在从巴...

  • call it a day/night 到此为止

    22-01-07 call it a day/night这个表达的意思是到此为止,可以表示暂时停止,也可以用作俚语,表示某事已经完全结束了。 Right guys, youve worked really hard. I think its time to call it a night, Ill see you all again tomorrow. 是的,伙计们,你们真的很努力。我觉得该...

  • wasted 烂醉的

    21-11-10 你喝得烂醉/你喝大了可以说:Youre wasted.或者You get wasted. 例句: Sandy was wasted last night. We had to carry her back home. Sandy昨晚喝得烂醉,我们不得不把她抬回家。 We all got wasted last night. 我们昨晚全醉倒了。...

  • 谈论“家务”的词汇

    21-10-02 家务活对很多人来说都非常枯燥无趣,还会占用很多的时间。近年来,一个不做家务日的冷门节日让人在节日里光明正大、毫不愧疚地逃避家务,去做自己喜欢做的事。洗碗、熨衣服、扫尘等日常杂务用英语怎么说?做下面的《英语小测验》,学习和家务活有关的词汇。 1. My flat...