• a night person 夜猫子

    21-09-28 夜猫子是指经常熬夜的人,所以用英语就可以表示成a night person。 例句: We all know that Bob is a night person. 我们都知道,鲍勃是个夜猫子。 - Are you always staying up late? -你经常熬夜吗? - No, Im not a night person. -不,我可不是个夜猫子。 夜猫子还...

  • 我们真的需要八小时睡眠吗?

    21-09-10 你每天平均睡多长时间?八小时通常被认为是 黄金 睡眠时间,但这是否因人而异?哪些因素决定一个人究竟该睡多久才好? Charles Darwin once said A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life. If you live one hundred years, th...

  • like ships that pass in the night 擦肩而过

    21-09-10 表达 like ships that pass in the night 用来形容 两个人在为数不多的短暂碰面之后,再也无缘相见,就好比夜晚交错而过的两只船一样。人们也会用这个表达来感叹 似乎总是与某人擦肩而过,比如,两个家庭成员总是没有机会在同一时间出现在同一地点。 这个表达也可以被...

  • 英语常见缩略语 基础版

    21-09-01 wanna want to想要 kinda kind of有点 gotta got to不得不,必须 OMG oh my god天哪 THX / TX / THKS Thanks谢谢 BTW by the way顺便 OIC oh I see明白了 lol laughing out loud大笑 BGM background music背景音乐 AKA also known as也被称为 GN good night晚安 IDK I...

  • close-knit 紧密相连

    21-08-09 Close-knit 经常被用来形容关系紧密的人群或组织,可以是家庭,社会群体或有文化关联的组织。 例句 The island has a close-knit community and everyone pulls together when someone needs help. They are such a close-knit family that they never keep secrets fr...

  • to be able to do something in your sleep 闭着眼睛也能做

    21-08-02 和汉语表达 闭着眼睛也能做 相对应的英语说法就是 able to / can do something in your sleep。这个说法被用来夸张地描述一个人积攒了很多做某事的经验,因而精通熟练此项工作。 例句 Dont worry, I can do this essay in my sleep. I really know this topic. I make...

  • a night on the town 外出玩乐的一晚,狂欢之夜

    21-07-15 当我们想晚上出去痛痛快快地玩一晚时,通常会用 a night on the town 这个说法,指的是一群朋友约好去非常热闹、人气旺的地方,比如去酒吧 go to the bars,去舞厅跳舞 go to the disco 等。通常和动词 have 或者词组 go for 搭配使用。 例句 I went for a walk in the...

  • like ships that pass in the night 一面之缘,擦肩而过

    21-07-08 表达 like ships that pass in the night 用来形容 两个人在为数不多的短暂碰面之后,再也无缘相见,就好比夜晚交错而过的两只船一样。人们也会用这个表达来感叹 似乎总是与某人擦肩而过,比如,两个家庭成员总是没有机会在同一时间出现在同一地点。 这个表达也可以被...

  • The Shortest Night

    21-06-07 The Shortest Night Victoria Chang And when I looked up, the sky had also turned black, and I had aged a hundred more feet down the road. The owl was on the next tree with mirrors as eyes, in case I wanted to see my future. When I looked, I lost anot...

  • 英国黑暗天空保护区

    21-05-20 Vibrant pictures of star-strewn darkness. Incredible images of our galaxy the Milky Way stretching across the night sky. 看看这些色彩缤纷的画面,黑暗的天空中繁星点点。这些绝美的图片,展现了银河在夜幕下一泻千里。 These photos have been taken from the...