• 新年决心是一项历史悠久的传统

    21-01-04 Every time a new year rolls around, people set out to better themselves. They promise they will lose weight, find a new job, or maybe even take that vacation theyve always talked about. But why do we make these promises to ourselves, and where did t...

  • take on an entirely new look 焕然一新

    21-01-02 焕然一新,汉语成语,意思是改变陈旧的面貌,呈现出崭新的样子。通常形容出现了崭新的面貌。可以翻译为take on an entirely new look,acquire a completely new look。 例句: 经过翻修,我们的教学楼面貌焕然一新。 After renovation, our classroom building has ta...

  • tete-a-tete 交交心

    20-12-27 交交心是口语化的说法,促膝谈心是书面的说法,那么英语是怎么说的? 可以用这个词:tete-a-tete。这个词用作名词是两人之间的私下交谈、面谈的意思,用作副词是面对面的意思。这个词来自法语,法语的写法是tte--tte。 For example: She leaned forward and confided t...

  • 翻开新篇章

    20-10-17 New beginnings 新的开始 许多人把一年的开始作为一个反思和改变的时间。大家都努力去To turn over a new leaf。 To turn over a new leaf (翻开新的一页),意思是创造一个全新的开始,或开始用一种不同的方式来行动。 He used to be very lazy but this year hes tu...

  • 与熟人见面时常用的“花式”问候语

    20-10-13 1 How are you doing?你好吗? 如果想询问他人的具体情况,可以在How are you doing后加上介词with及表示具体事物的名词或名词性短语。比如:How are you doing with your new job?(你的新工作怎么样?)。 2 How have you been?你近况如何? 这句话是现在完成时,hav...

  • start-up area 起步区

    20-09-14 起步区作为雄安新区主城区,肩负着集中承接北京非首都功能疏解的时代重任。起步区规划面积约198平方公里。未来,起步区将是北京疏解出的高校、科研院所、医疗机构、企业总部、金融机构、事业单位等的集中承载区。 The start-up area will be part of the Xiongan city...

  • 雅思口语Part3话题:关于新食物

    20-03-17 1. Have you ever tried foreign food? Oh yes, I love foreign food all by my heart. I have been to USA before. It was a long stay and I grabbed every opportunity to explore sandwich, hamburg and different cheese. I am also a die hard fan of Japanese f...

  • new guy gene 新人基因

    13-01-24 New guy gene is the internal mechanism that triggers extra politeness in new employees until they're up-to-speed on office politics. 新人基因(new guy gene)指新入职的员工自带的一种本能反应,让其在新的工作环境表现得更加有礼貌,直到他们能完全了解所在...

  • “春节”的英译

    12-10-31 春节这个节日在英语中翻译成Chinese New Year,竟然在一些国家和地区成了敏感词。春节前位于美国纽约时报广场的纳斯达克大屏幕上展示庆祝中国农历新年的寄语,很技巧地写:Best Wishes for a Happy and Prosperous Year of the Tiger,而没有用Chinese这个形容词。 联...

  • 双髻鲨遭遇双重困境

    12-03-27 Identity confusion between a new, yet unnamed shark species, originally discovered off the eastern United States by Nova Southeastern University Oceanographic Center (NSU-OC) researchers, and its look-alike cousin -- the endangered scalloped(扇形的...