• 侃爷申请改名为“Ye(耶)”

    21-10-21 美国说唱歌手坎耶韦斯特(中文昵称侃爷)申请改名为Ye(耶)获得洛杉矶法院批准。这意味着此后他的全名为Ye,没有姓氏和中间名。此前侃爷向法院提交申请,希望将他的全名从坎耶奥马里韦斯特(Kanye Omari West)改为Ye。 The singer Kanye West will from now on forma...

  • 人文知识练习附讲解 32

    21-10-17 1. The Graveyard Poets got the name because ___. A they chose to live near graveyards B they often wrote about death and melancholy C they always wrote about dead people D they often use graveyard as the title 2. It is generally understood that the...

  • 取个好名字到底有多重要?

    21-09-10 给孩子取名是很多做父母的人生命中最重要的决定之一,因为一个人的名字通常会伴随其一生。本期 随身英语 讨论取个好名字究竟有多重要。 New parents often spend a long time debating what to call their newborn. Should they name them after a relative, a famous...

  • name and shame 点名批评

    21-06-15 名词name在这个短语中被当作动词使用,表示说出的名称或姓名。Shame作名词时的意思有羞愧,遗憾,在这里其动词形式所表达的意思是使感到羞愧,羞辱。在正式场合中,可以用name and shame表示公开指责的意思;在日常对话中,它可以被理解为点名批评。 例句 The newspape...

  • mother-in-law's tongue 虎皮兰

    21-06-15 虎皮兰是一种常见的花草。你知道它的英文名称吗? 学名叫Dracaena trifasciata,特别难记,但我相信它这个别名,你一辈子都不会忘记:mother-in-laws tongue Mother-in-law表示姻亲关系的妈妈,也就是丈母娘或婆婆,tongue表示舌头。 所以,字面含义是mother-in-laws t...

  • pet name 昵称

    21-06-09 如果有人问你:Whats your pet name in your family?千万别以为对方是想知道你家猫猫狗狗的名字是什么。 其实,这是一个经典的误解表达。pet表示宠物,pet name却不是宠物的名字,理解错了可是很搞笑。 为什么?因为pet name指的是人的昵称,和宠物名字不能说是一模一...

  • 2020年豆瓣评分最高的10本书

    21-01-17 1 The Art of Mondo Based in Austin, Texas, Mondo is an art gallery and online store devoted to the love of film, art, music and collectibles. Over the years, the company has received global recognition for its incredible art posters that bring to li...

  • Abracadabra 急急如律令

    20-12-22 急急如律令是道教咒语,起源于汉代,原本是官方用来申述法律、政令权威之语,用白话文解释就是请速速遵照执行,不得有误,违者必究。 后来被道教吸收,并加入了神仙名号,用于符咒的末尾。 最常见的说法有:太上老君急急如律令、急急如太上老君律令,字面意思就是:请...

  • Rose In Bloom - Chapter 19

    20-12-20 Two days after Christmas a young man of serious aspect might have been seen entering one of the large churches at L - - . Being shown to a seat, he joined in the services with praiseworthy devotion, especially the music, to which he listened with su...

  • 悲伤还是快乐——你喜欢哪种音乐?

    20-12-09 What would life be like without music? Songs and tunes fill our lives, affecting our emotions, bringing back memories and sometimes making us dance. There is a song for everyone and for every occasion, but it seems that its sad music that moves us m...