• 最长的英文单词

    18-01-07 1. METHIONYLTHREONYLTHREONYGLUTAMINYLARGINYL ISOLEUCINE 肌联蛋白 Note the ellipses. All told, the full chemical name for the human protein titin is 189,819 letters, and takes about three-and-a-half hours to pronounce. The problem with including chem...

  • 日本生熊猫幼仔起名“香香”

    17-09-26 A 3-month-old panda cub born at a Japanese zoo has been named Xiang Xiang, or fragrance in Chinese, reports thepaper.cn. 澎湃新闻网报道,日本一家动物园出生的三月大熊猫幼仔起名为香香。 The name has been chosen from around 320,000 suggestions from the...

  • 美国多所高校更名以招揽外国学生

    17-06-16 Whats in a name? A lot, if you had asked Johnson State College and Lyndon State College in the US state of Vermont. 如果有人问美国佛蒙特州的约翰逊州立学院和林登州立学院,名字重要吗?它们会告诉你,非常重要。 The schools are now one, at least in name...

  • 中国首只人工喂养雪豹对外征集名字

    17-06-11 The Tibetan Plateau Wildlife Park has asked the public to name Chinas first artificially bred snow leopard to mark the first birthday of the cub. 为庆祝中国首只人工喂养雪豹幼仔的一岁生日,青藏高原野生动物公园正为它对外征集名字。 The existence of the...

  • 名字会影响并逐渐改变你的容貌

    17-06-10 Choosing a name for a child is often a headache for parents, but new research shows that picking well could be more crucial than previously thought. 为孩子取名字对于父母而言通常都是件头疼事,但是新研究发现,取个好名字比你原想的还要重要。 Academics h...

  • 贝嫂将女儿名字注册为商标

    17-04-20 According to intellectual property office records, Victoria Beckham has registered her daughters name for use in a range of branded products, including make-up, toys and clothing. 根据英国知识产权局的记录,维多利亚贝克汉姆已经将女儿的名字注册为商标...

  • name的不同短语表达

    17-02-27 1. Make a name for yourself 成名、出名 How do you make a name for yourself without scoring the basketball? 在篮球场上你如果没有得分的强项,如何能有名气呢? 2. Call someone names 谩骂某人 It is not polite to call someone names. 骂人是不礼貌的行为。 3...

  • 想不起来某事怎么说

    17-01-24 1. How could I forgot a password that I JUST created?! 刚建的密码我怎么能给忘了?! 2. Sorry, could you tell me your name again? I know you just told me, but 对不起,能把你名字再说一遍吗?我知道你刚告诉过我,可是 3. What, did I already tell you abou...

  • name dropping 拽人名

    16-07-05 Name dropping is the practice of mentioning important people or institutions within a conversation, story, song, online identity, or other communication. Name dropping指在谈话、故事、歌曲、网络身份或者其它交流中提及重要人物或机构的行为,即拽人名。 N...

  • name ambush 偶遇熟人却想不起名字

    16-02-23 Name ambush describes the situation when an acquaintance you haven't seen for a long time comes across and greets you by name but you cannot remember their name at that moment. You know this is embarrassing, but you can do nothing about it. Name amb...