• 《等到永远》五

    13-01-09 精彩对白 Police: What are you doin'? Get out of the road. Come on. You know there's no hitchhiking along this highway? Willie: No. Police: Where you headed ? Willie: I have no idea. Police: May I see your identification, please? Mr. Donner, this dri...

  • 巴西球星费南德斯涉嫌谋杀

    12-11-20 Brazilian football star Bruno Fernandes has gone on trial, accused of ordering the killing of a former lover whose body has never been found. 巴西球星布鲁诺费南德斯涉嫌下令谋杀前情人而受审,该女子尸体尚未被发现。 Fernandes and two other defendants a...

  • 美法庭要求疑犯出庭前剃掉胡子

    12-09-07 A man accused of killing 13 people at a Texas army base in 2009 has been told to shave his beard before his murder trial, or have it forcibly removed. 2009年一名男子在德克萨斯州某陆军基地杀死13人,他被告之在出庭受审之前剃掉自己胡须,否则将被强制剃除...

  • 大义灭亲

    12-07-25 During the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476BC), there was many dukedoms(公爵领地) under the king of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty. These dukedoms often fought one another to expand their territories. And within a dukedom, the struggle for power freque...

  • 屠杀阿富汗平民的美国士兵将出庭受审

    12-03-23 A US soldier suspected of killing civilians in Afghanistan will be charged with 17 counts of murder, US officials have told the BBC. 美国官员向BBC透露,一名在阿富汗涉嫌谋杀平民的士兵将被17宗谋杀罪起诉。 Staff Sgt Robert Bales is accused of attacking...

  • 澳头号通缉犯马尔科姆·亚丁落网

    12-03-22 Malcolm Naden, who evaded a seven-year manhunt in Australia, is finally caught by police and has been charged with murder, among other offences. 澳大利亚一位在逃七年之久的通缉犯马尔科姆亚丁落入法网,并以谋杀罪和其它罪名被起诉。 The suspect was nabbe...

  • 美国:Facebook删除好友惹杀身之祸

    12-02-13 A couple who defriended a woman on Facebook were murdered in their home in an attack a US sheriff described as the worst I've ever seen. 美国田纳西州的一对夫妇在Facebook上与一名女子解除了好友关系,却没想到在家中惨遭谋杀。美国一位警长说,这是我见到过...

  • 印度最老囚犯获释 时年108岁

    11-06-25 上周五,印度历史上最老的囚犯、108岁的布利吉比哈利潘迪从北方邦一座监狱获释。 Brij Bihari Pandey, 108, is assisted by relatives following his release from the Gorakhpur district prison in Gorakhpur on Friday. Prison authorities in India have released...

  • 马老西亚老师谋杀学童被起诉

    11-04-15 A Malaysian school teacher has been charged with the murder of a seven-year-old student at a private Islamic school in the northern state of Perlis. The schoolboy was accused of stealing a couple of dollars from a classmate. As punishment, the boy w...

  • 尼日利亚参议员领袖涉嫌谋杀被起诉

    11-01-06 A court in Nigeria has charged the leader of the Senate, Teslim Folarin, with involvement in the murder of trade union activist . 尼日利亚一座法院以涉嫌谋杀工会积极分子Lateef Salako起诉参议院领袖Teslim Folarin。 Teslim Folarin, a PDP member, is the...