• 美国女子因谋杀罪被判处死刑

    10-09-24 A 41-year-old woman who conspired to murder her husband and stepson has been executed in the US state of Virginia. 美国弗吉尼亚州一名41岁女子因为密谋杀害其丈夫和继子被处以死刑。 Teresa Lewis died by lethal injection in Jarratt, Virginia Teresa Lewis...

  • 南非谋杀案显著下降

    10-09-10 The murder rate has fallen by 8.6% over the past year in South Africa, latest statistics show. 最新统计显示,在过去的一年里,南非的谋杀案例下降了8.6%。 Police Minister Nathi Mthethwa said the total number of murders was now about a third lower than...

  • 英国某男子涉嫌谋杀三位妓女被逮捕

    10-05-27 A 40-year-old man is being questioned by police on suspicion of murdering three women sex workers in Bradford after body parts were found in a river. 英国布拉德福德地区一位40岁男子涉嫌谋杀三名女性性工作者而被警察审问,此前在该地区一条河流中曾发现人...

  • 英国纽拉夫遗孀将被提名上议院议员

    10-05-25 Helen Newlove, whose husband Gary was murdered in 2007, is expected to be elevated to the House of Lords. 海伦纽拉夫,其丈夫加里于2007被谋杀,将有望被提拔至英国上议院议员。 Mrs Newlove campaigned with David and Samantha Cameron in Bolton The appoint...

  • 阿根廷前军事领导面临谋杀指控

    10-05-04 The former Argentine military leader, Jorge Rafael Videla, has been charged with an additional 49 cases of kidnapping, torture and murder. 阿根廷前军事领导人豪尔赫拉斐尔魏地拉,因犯下另外49起案件被起诉绑架、滥刑和谋杀等罪名。 Jorge Videla seized pow...

  • 巴西男子谋杀美国修女获刑30年

    10-04-13 A Brazilian rancher has been convicted of murdering US nun Dorothy Stang in 2005 and jailed for 30 years, at his third trial over the case. 一位巴西农场主因在2005年杀死美国修女桃乐茜斯唐而被三审判决有期徒刑30年。 Dorothy Stang was shot six times and...

  • 尼日利亚49人因参与暴力杀人被判刑

    10-03-11 Nigerian police say 49 people are to be charged with murder after communal violence left scores of villagers dead. 尼日利亚警方称,上周日发生的暴力事件导致大量村民死亡,49名嫌疑犯被判处杀人罪。 Police and troops have stepped up patrols in the area M...

  • 雷蒙斯乐队经纪人琳达·斯坦系被助手谋杀

    10-02-25 The personal assistant to former Ramones manager Linda Stein has been convicted in a New York court of bludgeoning her boss to death. 雷蒙斯乐队前经纪人琳达斯坦的私人助理涉嫌使用棍棒将其上司殴打致死,日前她已在纽约某法庭被定罪。 Stein co-managed The...

  • 巴基斯坦女科学家被美国判处谋杀罪

    10-02-04 A US court has found a Pakistani female scientist guilty of attempting to murder US agents while she was detained for questioning in Afghanistan. 美国一家法庭判处一名巴基斯坦女科学家犯有谋杀罪,据悉她在阿富汗拘留受审期间试图谋杀美国特工。 Siddiqui m...

  • 危地马拉总统洗清谋杀案嫌疑

    10-01-13 A UN investigation has cleared Guatemala's President Alvaro Colom of involvement in the murder of a prominent lawyer, Rodrigo Rosenberg. 一个联合国调查机构澄清,危地马拉总统科洛姆与一位著名律师罗德里格罗森伯格的谋杀案无关。 Mr Colom has always denie...