• “上头”怎么用英语表示呢

    22-09-20 1 be strongly obsessed with 这个词组意为疯狂迷上;十分着迷于,表达十分浓烈的迷恋,be fascinated by、be crazy about以及have a crush on都有此含义,可以替换使用。 例句: He was strongly obsessed with reading. 他疯狂地迷上了阅读。 2 on the spur of the m...

  • moment of truth 揭晓结果的关键时刻

    22-08-18 Moment在中文里是时刻,truth在中文里是真相。Moment of truth就是说最终得知一件事情是否会如愿成功的意思,特别是指一件你投入了极大努力的事情。 下面例子里这个高中生,正用急切的心情等待the moment of truth. 让我们一起听听看。 例句-1:Algebra didnt come eas...

  • Better Late Than Never. 迟来总比不来好。

    22-08-17 1. Better Late Than Never. 迟来总比不来好。 This idiom is simple but effective. It implies that a belated achievement is better than not reaching a goal at all. One might say, The achievement is long overdue, but its better late than never. 这个成语...

  • 人生的紧要关头

    22-07-26 1. If/When it comes to the point 这里的point指的是一个关键点。整个短语的意思就指到了紧要关头。 例:When it comes to the point, he always changes his mind. 一到关键时刻,他就改主意了。 2. Moment of truth 美国有个电视真人秀叫做《真心话大冒险》(The mo...

  • 不在状态

    22-06-14 1. Im not myself today. 我今天不在状态。 2. Im all mixed up. 我都糊涂了。 3. Your guess is as good as mine. 我也没搞清楚。 4. I was messed up for a long time. 过去很长一段时间我都过得一塌糊涂。 5. Youre a real nitwit. 你真是个糊涂虫。 6. I dont thin...

  • 如何拒绝请求

    22-05-26 如果有人求你帮忙,但你实在无法帮ta,那么试试这么说: Id like to help you but I cant take on any new commitments at the moment, Im afraid. 我很想帮助你,但现在恐怕无法再增加任何新任务了。 给予Ta信心,鼓励Ta独立完成 Actually, I think this is something...

  • 如何打断唠叨

    22-05-26 如果对方喋喋不休,自说自话,而你又有别的想法,不如这样打断对方: I understand what youre getting at, but (Im just not interested/I just cant /it just wont be possible) at the moment. 我了解你所说的事情,只是我现在(不感兴趣/无法去/不可能去)。 或者...

  • 加油

    22-03-02 1. Hang in there! 坚持住;挺住 2. You can make it! 你能做到! make it有达到预期目的,获得成功的意思。 3. What do you have to lose? 反正你又不吃亏。 关系比较亲密的人之间才用这句话哦。担心失败?别担心,你看你还有什么可失去的? 4. Ive got your back. 我...

  • hold your horses 沉住气

    22-01-22 遇到问题时要沉住气,不要着急,笑到最后的才是赢家。 沉住气,比喻能克制感情,力求镇静,提醒人们遇事应沉着冷静、切勿急躁。与英文谚语hold your horses意思相近,表示Wait a moment or be patient (often because you are moving too quickly or thoughtlessly)。...

  • champagne moment 庆功时刻

    21-12-28 A champagne moment 这个短语的直译是香槟时刻,这是因为西方人惯用香槟酒来庆贺胜利。汉语里我们会说辉煌或庆功的时刻。 例句 Rooney played brilliantly all match but the champagne moment was when he scored his third goal. Wow, I passed all my exams. Thats...