• 中国将发展医疗合作以提供优质服务

    17-04-13 China will arrange closer partnerships between top-tier hospitals and grassroots medical services to provide health management and health care services for urban and rural residents alike in a more inclusive and coherent manner. 中国将密切协调一流医...

  • 中国与以色列将在医疗机器人领域加强合作

    16-12-15 Chinese and Israeli research institutes and companies attending an exposition on Tuesday in Guangzhou are keen to cooperate on developing medical robots. 本周二在广州举行的一场博览会上,来自中国和以色列的研究机构与公司希望在意医疗机器人领域加强合作...

  • Oliver Twist 雾都孤儿 - Chapter 1

    16-01-06 Among other public buildings in a certain town, which for many reasons it will be prudent to refrain from mentioning, and to which I will assign no fictitious name, there is one anciently common to most towns, great or small: to wit, a workhouse; an...

  • 中国研发重离子医用加速器

    15-12-30 Chinese researchers have developed a heavy-ion medical accelerator to be used in radiotherapy for cancer. 来自中国的研究人员已经研发出一种重离子医用加速器,该加速器可用于癌症放疗。 A recent test of the machine's beam was successful, marking the end...

  • 搞笑诺贝尔医学奖:接吻可以缓解过敏反应

    15-09-25 A Japanese scientist has won the spoof Ig Nobel medicine prize for a study that revealed kissing could reduce allergic reactions in humans. 一名日本科学家研究发现,接吻可以缓解人体的过敏反应,这项研究让他赢得了搞笑诺贝尔医学奖。 I wish that people w...

  • hierarchical medical system 分级诊疗制度

    15-09-24 China will set up a hierarchical medical system to improve services at county- and township-level health centers, especially in less-developed areas. 我国将建立分级诊疗制度,以改善县郡级,特别是不发达地区卫生中心的服务水平。 会议确定的具体措施还包括...

  • scanxiety 检查焦虑症

    14-12-23 Scanxiety is the mental distress felt while awaiting the results of a medical test, particularly an MRI or CT scan. 检查焦虑症是指体检以后等待结果时的焦虑,特别是做核磁共振和CT扫描以后。 Example: Because CT and MRI scans are associated with the dia...

  • 首位子宫移植婴儿诞生

    14-10-05 A woman in Sweden has given birth to a baby boy using a transplanted womb, in a medical first, doctors report. 瑞士一位女性用移植的子宫生下一名男婴,这在医学史上尚属首次。 The 36-year-old mother, who was born without a uterus, received a donated wom...

  • 张仪治痈

    14-09-29 When seving as prime minister under the King Hui of the state of Qin. Zhang Yi had a carbuncle on his back. He invited the famous doctor Sheng Gou to the state of Qin to cure his carbuncle and said to him, Now treat my back as your own back. You can...

  • 叙利亚难民缺少医疗服务

    14-05-21 Amnesty International says a shortfall in international support has left many Syrian refugees in Lebanon unable to access crucial medical care. 国际特赦组织称,由于国际社会的援助不足,致使滞留于黎巴嫩的许多叙利亚难民得不到必要的医疗护理。 Syrian ref...