• 乌干达同性恋者能享受同等医疗服务

    14-02-26 Uganda's health minister says homosexuals will not be discriminated against when accessing healthcare. 乌干达卫生部长称,同性恋者在接受医疗保健的时候不会遭歧视。 Dr Ruhakana Rugunda told the BBC that all people, gay or otherwise, should get full acc...

  • 使用医疗器械检查画作的健康程度

    13-09-13 Scientists and conservators have developed a new method to diagnose painting canvases(帆布) from the back, without disturbing a single fibre, to see if they can withstand the stress of handling and travel. Using the method -- which is similar to t...

  • medical and healthcare system 医疗卫生服务体系

    13-09-07 So far, a medical and healthcare system including medical infrastructure construction, service supply and health insurance coverage has taken shape, covering more than 1.3 billion people in urban and rural areas, according to the white paper. 白皮书...

  • 两会热门词汇

    13-07-18 收入分配 income distribution 贫富差距 gap between the rich and the poor (wealth gap) 医疗改革 medical reform 养老保险 pension insurance system 政府改革 government reform 房价调控 housing prices control 司法公正 judicial justice 征信 credit investiga...

  • 人们如何选择保险计划

    13-03-14 Economists often talk about moral hazard, the idea that people's behavior changes in the presence of insurance. In finance, for instance, investors may take more risks if they know they will be bailed out, the subject of ongoing political controvers...

  • gynecological examinations 妇科检查

    12-12-13 Beijing Yirenping Center (BYC), a public welfare organization, proposed that gynecological examinations be removed from the physical exams for civil service recruitment. 北京益仁平中心建议取消公务员录用考试体检中的妇科检查项目。 文中的gynecological...

  • 医学影像产生的辐射逐渐增大

    12-06-14 Concern about overexposure to radiation due to excessive use of medical imaging has come to the fore in recent years. Now, a study led by researchers at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) and Group Health Research Institute, shows th...

  • medical disputes 医疗纠纷

    12-06-11 Currently the courts decide medical disputes based on the assessment of appointed health officials. But the assessments seldom indicate who made the conclusion or how it was arrived at, so patients are not convinced. 目前,法院裁决医疗纠纷是根据指定...

  • 消灭有害细菌可能对有益细菌造成永久伤害

    11-08-25 In the zeal(热情,热心) to eliminate dangerous bacteria, it is possible that we are also permanently killing off beneficial bacteria as well, posits(假定) Martin Blaser, MD, Frederick H. King Professor of Medicine, professor of Microbiology and...

  • 医学家预测人类能活1000年

    11-07-10 If Aubrey de Grey's predictions are right, the first person who will live to see their 150th birthday has already been born. And the first person to live for 1,000 years could be less than 20 years younger. 如果奥布里德格雷的预测是正确的话,第一个能...