• 测验户外烧烤小常识

    22-11-02 夏季是户外烧烤的最佳季节。在英国,每遇到天气晴朗的周末,家家户户就会在院子里摆出烤炉,和家人朋友一起享受户外用餐的乐趣。 1. A barbecue is the name for the piece of equipment used to cook food outdoors. What adjective is used to describe the food coo...

  • 22-03-22 是不是所有的肉都是meat? 肥肉是不是fat meat?瘦肉又怎么表达?人肉又是什么? 不是所有的肉都是meat 一般情况下 做为食物的肉 才可以被称为Meat 因此 我们人类的肉 一般不能称作meat 从生理角度讲的肉 特别是我们人类的肉 大多数情况下 要使用flesh 比如: My own fl...

  • fresh meat 小鲜肉

    22-03-01 小鲜肉霸屏各种电影,电视剧,综艺节目,微博热门,不知满足了多少妹纸内心的需求与呼唤。小鲜肉在英语里面怎么说? 答案是fresh meat,是不是简单又粗暴,各种赤果果。 该词汇第一次出现在电影《阿凡达》的台词里Look at all this fresh meat,之后便成为网络热词,主...

  • 这些菜肴是以人命名的

    22-02-28 Kung Pao chicken 宫保鸡丁 Ding Baozhen, a 19th-century Qing Dynasty official and governor of Sichuan Province, is the man who inspired this dish. The title derives from Gong Bao which translates as Palace Guardian, his official title. The sweet and...

  • A Dog and His Meat 狗和它的肉

    21-10-04 There lived a homeless dog wandering around. Having starved all day, the dog was very hungry. Where can I find something to eat? 附近有一只流浪狗在四处游荡。饿了一整天,这只狗饿坏了。哪里可以找到吃的? While the dog was passing by a butcher shop, th...

  • 和“素食”有关的英语表达

    21-09-29 素食一月 Veganuary 是一个倡导人们在每年一月份不食用任何动物产品的新兴活动。不论你是否参与这个倡议,在一月不食用肉类或蛋奶制品等,都不妨试做下面六道测验题,学习六个和非动物类食品有关的英语说法。 1. Someone who doesnt eat meat, but does eat fish, is a...

  • 应对气候变化:让宠物狗改吃虫子

    20-12-21 你有没有因为环保人士把气候变化归咎于自家的宠物狗而感到烦恼不已?别怕,现在只要给你家 汪汪 喂用黑色兵蝇做成的狗粮,不用喂什么巴西牛肉,它也能长得胖胖的。一家宠物食品制造商说,他们的一款新产品中含有 40% 的兵蝇幼虫。 Its estimated that pets consume aro...

  • 英语中的引述动词

    20-12-06 1. Complete sentence B using the correct reporting verb. A: My daughter said: No, Im not eating meat! Im vegetarian now. B: My daughter ______. a) denied eating meat. b) offered not to eat meat. c) refused to eat meat. d) threatened not to eat meat....

  • “辣条”用英文怎么说?

    20-10-14 ①meat floss 大家都知道,meat是肉的意思,floss有绒毛;丝棉的意思。 所以meat floss也就是大家常吃的肉松,但辣条其实是用面粉做成的,也不是绒毛状,所以这个叫法应该不是很准确的。 ②hot strip 应该是算直译了,hot除了热,还有辣的意思,strip作为名词,有长条...

  • 中国已成全球植物肉企业的战场

    20-09-17 China has become a battleground for plant-based meat companies looking to tap into the worlds largest market for meat-consumption. 中国已成为植物肉企业的战场,这些企业希望进入世界上最大的肉类消费市...