• 6种食物会加速皮肤和牙齿的衰老

    14-08-15 Sweets Sugar overload may kick-start a process called glycation(糖化) . The theory: When you eat more sugar than your cells can process, the excess sugar molecules combine with proteins, creating advanced glycation end products (appropriately refe...

  • 少吃肉能够保护干旱地区的水资源

    14-08-05 Eating less meat would protect water resources in dry areas around the world, researchers at Aalto University have found. Reducing the use of animal products can have a considerable impact on areas suffering scarce water resources, as meat productio...

  • 非尝不可的八大巴西美食

    14-06-27 When visiting Brazil for the World Cup, soccer fans will be able to seize the chance to try out the local delicacies. Reflecting its warm climateand multicultural heritage, Brazil's cuisine is a colorful blend of Portuguese, African and Native Ameri...

  • 割肉相啖

    14-06-24 There were two people who lived in the west and east end of the capital city of the state of Qi respectively. Both of them liked to boast of their bravery. One day, they met by chance on road and then went to drink in a restaurant together. After a...

  • The Seven Voyages of Sindbad the Sailor 4

    14-06-20 It was a huge piece of fresh meat, and as I stared at it several more pieces rolled over the cliffs in different places. I had always thought that the stories the sailors told of the famous valley of diamonds, and of the cunning way which some merch...

  • 红色肉类可能引发乳腺癌

    14-06-12 Eating a lot of red meat in early adult life may slightly increase the risk of breast cancer, according to a US study. 美国一项研究发现,刚入成年时吃大量的红色肉类可能稍微增加患乳腺癌的风险。 Harvard researchers say replacing red meat with a combina...

  • meatatarian 肉食主义者

    14-03-20 Meatatarian is a person who eats meat virtually to the exclusion of vegetables. It is a reactionary term created in response to vegetarianism. 肉食主义者是专吃肉、不吃蔬菜的人。它是素食主义者的反义词。 Example: Waiter: What can I get you? Mary: A ch...

  • The Dog and His Shadow

    14-03-10 Once there was a dog in a village. He stole a piece of meat from a butcher's shop and ran off with it. He wanted to eat it at home. On his way home he came to a narrow bridge over a stream. As he was crossing the bridge, he looked down and saw his o...

  • 考古学家发现有30万年历史的灶台

    14-01-28 Humans, by most estimates, discovered fire over a million years ago. But when did they really begin to control fire and use it for their daily needs? That question -- one which is central to the subject of the rise of human culture -- is still hotly...

  • 澳大利亚或将向中国出售袋鼠肉

    13-11-25 Once considered pet food, kangaroo meat could soon be sold to China as a luxury product, to encourage Chinese consumers to do something few Australians will - eat it. 曾被当做宠物食品的袋鼠肉不久将做为高档产品向中国出售,以此鼓励中国的消费者们做点很...