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Kung Pao chicken 宫保鸡丁
Ding Baozhen, a 19th-century Qing Dynasty official and governor of Sichuan Province, is the man who inspired this dish. The title derives1 from 'Gong Bao' which translates as 'Palace Guardian2', his official title. The sweet and spicy3 stir-fried chicken and peanut dish, flavored with chilies4 and Sichuan peppercorns, is said to have been a personal favorite.
Beef Wellington 惠灵顿牛排
In the 1960s, beef Wellington was a popular choice on menus. While it's named after the Duke of Wellington, a British military hero who defeated Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo in 1815, the dish of meat wrapped in pastry5 – or an earlier example of it – was already commonplace. Its Duke-inspired name seems to have been added later.
Graham crackers6 全麦饼干
It was a man of God, no less, who encouraged the consumption of the fiber-rich crackers that carry his name. The Reverend Sylvester Graham was a 19th-century Presbyterian minister and advocate of the temperance movement. He believed the plain, grain-based biscuit to make people more wholesome7 and avoid giving in to vices8.
Graham crackers意思是全麦饼干,这个名称也来自于一位名人。西尔维斯特·格雷厄姆(Sylvester Graham)是19世纪长老会的牧师,也是禁酒运动的倡导者,他提倡食用这种以自己名字命名的高纤维饼干。格雷厄姆认为这种谷物饼干更加健康,能帮助人们戒掉恶习。
Cappuccino 卡布奇诺
There's not one person behind the name cappuccino but a whole order – the Capuchin friars. The brown color of their robes is said to have inspired coffee makers9 in 19th-century Vienna, where milk was first added to the drink. However, it didn't get its signature foamy10 top until later, in Italy, when espresso machines were invented.
Martini 马天尼
The truth behind the moniker of the world's most sophisticated cocktail11 is disappointingly prosaic12. The most likely reason is it was named after Alessandro Martini, one of the founders13 of Martini & Rossi who manufacture vermouth, a key element of the drink.
Eggs Benedict 班尼迪克蛋
There is more than one assertion as to who inspired eggs Benedict, the dish of a toasted English muffin topped with poached eggs, bacon and hollandaise sauce. Several names – Wall Street broker14 Lemuel Benedict, the Le Grand Benedict family, and banker E.C. Benedict – have been put forward, but it could also be an Americanized version of the French dish les œufs à la bénédictine.
班尼迪克蛋是一种烤英式松饼,上面覆盖着水煮蛋、培根和荷兰酱。关于这个名字的来历,有不止一种说法,有可能来自华尔街股票经纪人勒缪尔·本尼迪克特、大本尼迪克特家族或银行家E.C.本尼迪克特。但这道菜也可能是法国菜lesœufsála bénédictine的美国化版本。
Margherita pizza 玛格丽特披萨
One of the more simple pizzas but one that endures, a margherita is a classic choice. A pizza base topped with basil, cheese and tomato (the colors represent the Italian flag), it was created by Raffaele Esposito, the owner of a pizzeria in Naples, to celebrate Queen Margherita of Savoy's visit in 1889. It may have existed before, but that is when it became popular.

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