• 提高普通家具的防火性

    14-02-11 The bench-scale test widely used to evaluate whether a burning cigarette will ignite(点燃) upholstered furniture may underestimate the tendency of component materials to smolder when these materials are used in sofas and chairs supported by spring...

  • 层状褶皱材料能更好控制波动

    14-01-27 Flexible, layered materials textured with nanoscale wrinkles could provide a new way of controlling the wavelengths and distribution of waves, whether of sound or light. The new method, developed by researchers at MIT, could eventually find applicat...

  • 卤化铅可用作新式太阳能电池的原材料

    14-01-23 Photovoltaic(光电的) energy conversion offers one of the best means for the future of renewable energy in the world. The efficiency of solar cells depends heavily upon the light-absorbing materials they use. Photovoltaic systems based on lead hali...

  • 原子层镀膜能更好地保护物品

    13-10-31 Barrier films, used in everything from food and drug packaging to consumer electronics and solar cells, help prevent your food from spoiling, help to preserve medication, and protect your electronics from damage due to exposure to air or a splash of...

  • 两种原子级材料能混合产生新材料

    13-10-24 Where two different materials meet on the atomic level, a new material can be born that is neither one nor the other. The two parent materials do not mix -- they remain distinct from one another -- but their marriage begets(产生,引起) a strange c...

  • 对铜原子的压力测试

    13-10-23 Scientists used the powerful X-ray laser at the U.S. Department of Energy's SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory to create movies detailing trillionths-of-a-second changes in the arrangement of copper atoms after an extreme shock. Movies like these...

  • 科罗拉多大学研制出4D打印技术

    13-10-23 Researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder have successfully added a fourth dimension to their printing technology, opening up exciting possibilities for the creation and use of adaptive, composite materials in manufacturing, packaging and bi...

  • 拓扑绝缘体的不对称性

    13-08-14 New research shows that a class of materials being eyed for the next generation of computers behaves asymmetrically at the sub-atomic level. This research is a key step toward understanding the topological(拓扑的,地质学的) insulators that may hav...

  • 高分子导电的奥秘

    13-08-11 For most of us, a modern lifestyle without polymers is unthinkableif only we knew what they were. The ordinary hardware-store terms we use for them include plastics, polyethylene(聚乙烯) , epoxy resins(环氧树脂) , paints, adhesives, rubber -- wi...

  • 高压下的炭有奇异的特性

    13-08-08 High pressures and temperatures cause materials to exhibit unusual properties, some of which can be special. Understanding such new properties is important for developing new materials for desired industrial uses and also for understanding the inter...