• 研究人员对量子纠缠的研究更进一步

    12-12-17 While some theoretical physicists make predictions about astrophysics(天体物理学) and the behavior of stars and galaxies, others work in the realm of the very small, which includes quantum physics. Such is the case at UC Santa Barbara, where theor...

  • 影响汽车电池寿命的新因素

    12-12-13 A new study of the batteries commonly used in hybrid and electric-only cars has revealed an unexpected factor that could limit the performance of batteries currently on the road. Researchers led by Ohio State University engineers examined used car b...

  • 八目鳗类鱼粘液可用于提取天然纤维

    12-11-29 Nylon, Kevlar and other synthetic fabrics: Step aside. If new scientific research pans out(成功) , people may be sporting shirts, blouses(女衬衫) and other garments made from fibers modeled after those in the icky, super-strong slime from a crea...

  • 纳米超晶格结构可用于提高热电器效率

    12-11-16 Thermoelectric devices, which can harness temperature differences to produce electricity, might be made more efficient thanks to new research on heat propagation(传播,繁殖) through structures called superlattices. The new findings show, unexpecte...

  • 斯坦福科学家制造出首个全碳太阳能电池

    12-11-01 Stanford University scientists have built the first solar cell made entirely of carbon, a promising alternative to the expensive materials used in photovoltaic(光电的) devices today. The results are published in the Oct. 31 online edition of the j...

  • 科学家利用分子层研究纳米热传递

    12-10-30 Scientific research has provided us with a fundamental understanding of how light (via photons) and electricity (via electrons) move within and between materials at the micrometer or nanometer levels, making possible a wide variety of miniature devi...

  • 西北大学创造两种新式合成表面材料

    12-09-10 Northwestern University researchers have broken a world record by creating two new synthetic materials with the greatest amount of surface areas reported to date. Named NU-109 and NU-110, the materials belong to a class of crystalline nanostructure...

  • 口香糖是怎么制造的

    12-06-28 All recipes for chewing gum manufactured today share the same main ingredients: a gum base, sweeteners, primarily sugar and corn syrup(糖浆) , and flavorings. Some also contain softeners, such as glycerin(甘油) and vegetable oil. The amount of e...

  • All-purpose Dissolvent 万能溶剂

    12-06-26 A young man saw Edison, said, I want to develop a sort of all-purpose dissolvent, by which can dissolve all materials. Edison asked a question in reply, In that case, what container shall you hold it with? 一个后生找到爱迪生,说:我准备研制一种万能...

  • CO2吸附材料正在研制中

    12-06-13 A novel porous(多孔渗水的) material that has unique carbon dioxide retention(保留) properties has been developed through research led by The University of Nottingham. The findings, published in the peer-reviewed journal Nature Materials, form pa...