• 华盛顿大学首次测量微尺度颗粒晶体动力

    16-05-18 Designing materials that better respond to dynamic loading can help vehicles minimize vibration, better protect military convoys or potentially make buildings safer during an earthquake. Granular materials -- assemblages of particles that range broa...

  • 化学上1-1不总得到0

    16-04-28 In the world of chemistry, one minus one almost always equals zero. But new research from Northwestern University and the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) in France shows that is not always the case. And the discovery will change...

  • 城市有其独特的微生物签名

    16-04-20 Cities have their own distinct microbial communities but these communities dont vary much between offices located in the same city, according to a new study. The work, published this week in mSystems, an open access journal from the American Society...

  • makerspace 创客空间

    16-04-20 A makerspace (also referred to as a hacklab, hackerspace or hackspace) is a community-operated workspace where people with common interests, often in computers, machining, technology, science, digital art or electronic art, can meet, socialize and c...

  • 量子模拟2.0:远距离原子对话

    16-04-08 Simulations are a popular tool to study physical processes that cannot be investigated experimentally in detail. For example, scientists are challenged to investigate physical processes in materials since their properties are determined by the inter...

  • 原子状态下实时监控材料表面变化

    16-03-16 A team of researchers at Aix Marseille Universit in Marseille, France led by Dr. Frdric Leroy developed a technique that allows them to follow physical processes occurring at surfaces of materials at the atomic level in situ and in real time. This n...

  • 科研人员发明一种全新的聚合物材料

    16-01-31 Imagine a polymer with removable parts that can deliver something to the environment and then be chemically regenerated to function again. Or a polymer that can lift weights, contracting and expanding the way muscles do. These functions require poly...

  • 2050年海洋中的塑料垃圾将超过鱼类

    16-01-28 There will be more plastic than fish in terms of weight in the world's oceans by 2050, the World Economic Forum warned Tuesday. 1月19日,世界经济论坛发出警告:到2050年,世界各大海洋中的塑料垃圾总重量将超过海中鱼类。 Plastic has become one of the wor...

  • 利用智能材料收集能量

    16-01-27 Energy harvesting is emerging as a viable method for electronic devices to pull ambient energy from their surrounding environment and convert it into electrical energy for stored power. This coveted technology has the potential to serve as an altern...

  • 硫化铁量子点能提高电池性能

    15-11-18 If you add quantum dots - nanocrystals 10,000 times smaller than the width of a human hair - to a smartphone battery it will charge in 30 seconds, but the effect only lasts for a few recharge cycles. However, a group of researchers at Vanderbilt Uni...