09-10-17 Who was the first man A teacher said to her class: Who was the first man? George Washington,a little boy shouted promptly. How do you make out that George Washington was the first man?asked the teacher,smiling indulgently. Because,said the li...
09-10-17 A Dying Man's Favorite Cookies An elderly man lay dying in his bed. In death's agony, he suddenly smelled the aroma of his favorite chocolate chip cookies wafting up the stairs. He gathered his remaining strength, and lifted himself from the bed. Le...
09-09-30 In the Age of Gold, the world was first furnished with inhabitants. This was an age of innocence and happiness. Truth and right prevailed, thought not enforced by law, no was there any in authority to threaten or to punish. The earth brought forth a...
09-09-30 In the conflict between Cronus and Jupiter, Prometheus had adopted the cause of the Olympian deities. To him and his brother Epimetheus was now committed the office of making man and providing him and all other animals with the faculties necessary f...
09-09-29 A man was hit by a cab in the street. He was brought to the hospital. His wife who was standing up by his bed, said to the doctor: I think that he is very ill. I am afraid that he is dead. said the doctor. Hearing this, the man moved his head and sa...
09-09-29 A man and his wife were doing yard work. The husband said to his wife, Your butt is as wide as the grill. She ignored his remark. A little later, the husband took his measuring tape and measured his wife's rear end while she was bending over working...
09-08-22 Two thirds of women prefer working for male bosses because they are better managers and less prone to moods, a study has suggested. Two thirds of women prefer working for male bosses because they are better managers and less prone to moods, a study...
09-08-08 英国一项最新调查显示,每个男人平均每天大概有43分钟的时间在盯着10个不同的女人。这样算下来,他们每年共有259小时,差不多11天的时间,在盯着女人看。那么,从18岁到50岁,这个时间加起来就是11个月零11天。不过,调查人员发现,好色的并不仅仅是男人,女人也爱盯着...
09-08-02 A urine test can diagnose the sexually transmitted infection chlamydia in men within an hour, enabling on-the-spot treatment. 一个尿样检测一小时之内就可以诊断出衣原体性别传输感染,使当场治疗成为可能。 Chlamydia is the most common sexually transmitte...
09-07-29 最近互联网上出现了一首调侃俄罗斯总理普京的歌曲,称他很公正,网民对他的喜爱之情显而易见。这首俄罗斯歌曲借用了上世纪70年代一首非常流行的捷克歌曲Jozin z Bazin的旋律,将普京近期的强力举措写入歌词,使得普京在网上获得无数粉丝的支持。普京自2008年离开总统宝...