• toy boy 小白脸

    11-03-11 Toy boy has come along in the last 10 or 15 years. It's British slang, from the 1980s. It refers to an attractive young man being kept as a lover by another person, by an older person, thats the crucial thing: the older person is keeping the younger...

  • Canine Complex

    11-03-01 A man walked into the office of the eminent(杰出的,有名的) psychiatrist(精神病学家) Dr. Von Vermouth, and sat down to explain his problem. Well, you see, I've got this problem, the man continued. I keep hallucinating(使产生幻觉) that I'm a do...

  • 以色列是现代人类的起源地吗?

    11-01-03 Tel Aviv ― It has long been believed that modern man emerged from the continent of Africa 200,000 years ago. Now Tel Aviv University archaeologists(考古学家) have uncovered evidence that Homo sapiens roamed the land now called Israel as early as...

  • Such a Long Dog 如此长的狗

    10-11-08 Once there was a blind. One day when he was walking, he stepped the head of the dog who was sleeping. The dog barked for a while. The blind man went on for miles, this time he stepped the other dog's tail, so this dog barked. The blind man had thoug...

  • 下午六点男人可能会听话

    10-10-25 A woman may not always gets what she wants... but she may stand more chance if she waits until 6 pm to ask for it. This is the time when a man is likely to grant a loved ones wishes, according to a poll. 一个女人也许不是总能得到她想要的,但是如果她...

  • The Zen of Cat

    10-09-29 The man was very sad. He knew that the Cats days were numbered(屈指可数,有限) . The doctor had said there wasnt anything more that could be done, that he should take the cat home and make him as comfortable as possible. The man stroked the Cat on...

  • My father

    10-09-20 My father was an exceptional man. He may not have been a perfect man. But he was a good man. And he loved us. All I wanted to do today was to give him a dignifiedsending. Is that really so much to ask? So... Maybe... Maybe he had some things he like...

  • 美探索通信公司总部遭持枪男子袭击

    10-09-02 A gunman who took three hostages at the Discovery Communications headquarters in the US has been shot dead by police and his captives have been set free. 一位持枪男子在美国探索通信公司总部劫持了三名人质,最后被警方射杀,人质获自由。 The man had meta...

  • If 如果——迈克尔·杰克逊的墓志铭

    10-07-27 If Rudyard Kipling 如果 拉迪亚德吉卜林 If you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you; 如果周围的人毫无理性地向你发难,你仍能镇定自若保持冷静; If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, But make allowanc...

  • To Borrow an Ox 借公牛一用

    10-07-19 To Borrow an Ox Once upon a time, there lived a rich man, but he didn't know any words. One day, one of his friends wanted to borrow an ox from him, so he wrote a note and asked his servant to take it to this rich man. After the servant gave the not...