• 科学家证实月球两极有冰存在

    18-08-23 Scientists said Tuesday they have confirmed the existence of ice on the Moons surface for the first time. 科学家周二表示,他们已首次确定月球表面有冰存在。 Signs of ice on the Moon have been reported by scientists for years, but previous observations...

  • 中国公布月球探测器外形

    18-08-16 Chinas State Administration of Science, Technology, and Industry for National Defense has unveiled the rover for Chinas Change 4 lunar exploration mission. 中国国家国防科技工业局公开嫦娥四号月球探测任务所使用的探测器。 Change 4 lander and rover will...

  • 夏天再见 秋天你好

    18-08-07 Start of Autumn, known as Liqiu in Chinese, is the 13th of the 24 yearly seasonal cycles on the Chinese calendar, and begins this year on Tuesday, August 7. 秋天的开始,中国的立秋,中国日历中的第13个节气,已于8月7日本周二开始。 Based on observations...

  • 中国沙特公布太空合作所获月球照片

    18-06-15 China and Saudi Arabia on Thursday jointly unveiled three lunar images acquired through cooperation on the relay satellite mission for Change-4 lunar probe. 本周四,中国与沙特联合公布了双方合作的由嫦娥四号中继卫星获取的三张月球照片。 This is an impo...

  • 哈工大研发小卫星发射进入月球轨道

    18-06-15 A micro satellite, developed by the Harbin Institute of Technology in northeast Chinas Heilongjiang Province and sent into an orbit around the Moon, has started to transmit data back to Earth. 哈尔滨工业大学研发的一颗小卫星被发射进入月球轨道。 Two m...

  • 5.21中国将发射嫦娥四号中继卫星

    18-05-18 China plans to launch a relay satellite into space next Monday, May 21, for the Change-4 lunar probe scheduled later this year. 中国将于下周一,5月21日发射一枚中继卫星,为今年晚些时候发射嫦娥四号火星探测器做准备。 The Change-4 lunar probe will under...

  • 中国将于2019发射嫦娥5号月球探测器

    18-04-25 China plans to launch the Change-5 lunar probe next year, which is expected to bring lunar samples back to the Earth. 中国计划于明年发射嫦娥5号月球探测器,该探测器将携带月球标本返回地球。 While addressing a space conference Tuesday, Chinas Space Day...

  • 嫦娥四号让花朵在月球开放

    18-04-12 Chinas Change-4 lunar probe is expected to do many things unprecedented in space history after its launch later this year, such as touching down softly on the far side of the Moon and taking the first flowers to blossom on the lifeless lunar surface...

  • 中国首次完成地月激光测距

    18-01-24 China has accomplished its first successful Lunar Laser Ranging (LLR), with a 1.2-meter telescope laser ranging system. 中国利用一架1.2米的激光望远镜测距系统成功完成月球激光测距。 Based on the signals of laser pulses reflected by the lunar retro-ref...

  • 中国公布嫦娥5号降落地点

    17-06-07 Chinas Change 5 lunar probe is expected to land in the Mons Rumker region, and to take moon samples back to earth at the end of the year, according to a Chinese space official. 中国嫦娥5号月球探测器预计将降落在吕姆克山地区,并将于年底前带标本返回地...