• 在太空中工作

    21-02-27 宇航员在空间站里是怎么睡觉的? Bored with your life? Dreaming of something different? When I feel like that I look up and wonder what life would be like 400km above my head. Thats where the International Space Station orbits the Earth, with six astr...

  • 为什么城市会让人变得无礼?

    21-02-25 避免眼神交流、践踏私人空间等等,这些是不是城市居民粗鲁行为的范例?我们生活在钢筋混凝土建成的城市当中,是否已经不知不觉地变得心烦意乱、焦躁不安? I count myself lucky to live in the relative calm of the countryside, a safe distance away from the chao...

  • bring a patient back to life 妙手回春

    21-02-22 妙手回春,汉语成语,回春字面意思是使春天重返(return of spring),比喻医生医术高超,能把垂危的病人治愈。可以翻译为bring a patient back to life,effect a miraculous cure and bring the dying back to life。 例句: 他盲目相信医生有妙手回春的能力。 He ha...

  • 长大后才明白的道理

    21-02-22 ▌Work, sleep, eat, repeat. 上班、睡觉、吃饭,循环。 ▌The inevitable break up. 分手根本不可避免 ▌Having the courage to apologize. 鼓足勇气道歉 ▌Not all friendships last forever, and thats okay. 不是所有友情都会地久天长,没关系。 ▌Most adults are...

  • 交友软件在英国的兴衰

    21-02-08 交友方式随着科技发展在不断演变。从最初简单的由朋友介绍认识未来伴侣,到现在利用网络软件结识未来配偶。人们交流、交友的渠道越来越广泛。在英国,人们对交友软件已不再陌生。但这些软件到底有多受欢迎?有多少人真的找到了自己的知己? The course of true love ne...

  • 母亲给过你哪些宝贵的建议?

    21-02-01 You dont marry a man, you marry a lifestyle. 你不是嫁给一个男人,而是嫁给一种生活方式。 Who you marry has the largest impact not just on your emotional life, but also on your lifestyle. 你所嫁的那个人不仅会对你的感情生活会有很大影响,对你的生活方式...

  • Resurrection

    21-01-20 Resurrection Abdulla Pashew Translated from the Kurdish by Alana Marie Levinson-LaBrosse From time to time, sadness fills my throat and pain reaches its limit. Then, I wish to smash my life like a wine glass against a stone. But suddenly the gleam o...

  • 宫崎骏的名言

    21-01-08 ON INSPIRATION 关于灵感 I get inspiration from my everyday life. 我从自己的日常生活中攫取灵感。 ON CHILDREN 关于儿童 We get strength and encouragement from watching children. 观察儿童让我们获得力量和鼓励。 I dont like games. Youre robbing the precio...

  • 改变哪些生活方式可以省钱

    20-12-14 What are some lifestyle changes that save money? 有哪些生活方式的改变可以省钱? 1. Cut back on hanging out with lavish friends who do lavish things you dont really enjoy. If you love skiing, go. But you dont have to go to Aspen during Christmas week...

  • 孩子更亲近妈妈 怎么办?

    20-12-14 That is totally normal. My recommendation: Be chill. The woman (your wife; his mom) played a much bigger role than you did in his early life, so you are pretty much screwed if you expect an even playing field for the first few years. As a rule, you...