• Abe Lincoln's Sex Life

    17-04-12 An older man wearing a stovepipe hat, a waistcoat and a phoney beard sat down at a bar and ordered a drink. As the bartender set it down, he asked, Going to a party? Yeah, the man answered, Im supposed to come dressed as my love life. But you look l...

  • Diagnosis

    17-04-12 Diagnosis Sophie Klahr so his life snapped back, a bough pulled down then released into the dusk, unearthing a sound in the air that had always been inaudibly in motion -- I turn towards the sound watch it drifting in my brother like a red silk in w...

  • 科学家发现人类起源于外星的证据

    17-04-10 The notion that life on Earth has alien origins is nothing new, but a pair of researchers believe that they have cracked an ancient code which prove that life was planted on Earth by extraterrestrial beings. 地球生命起源的外星说并不新鲜,但是两名研...

  • 美宇航局发现酷似太阳系的行星系

    17-02-25 NASA scientists have discovered at least seven Earth-sized planets, each potentially capable of hosting life, orbiting a nearby star just outside the solar system. 美国宇航局的科学家们发现,至少有七颗地球大小的行星围绕着太阳系外的一颗临近恒星运行,...

  • silver splitters 银发离婚者

    17-02-23 It may feel like a new lease of life, but those who divorce in their latter years and move into another relationship are seriously risking their health. 人到晚年与伴侣离婚,跨入一段新恋情,这看起来像是翻开了人生的新篇章,但却会给健康带来很大风险。 R...

  • BBC文化频道2月书单推荐

    17-02-13 George Saunders, Lincoln in the Bardo Saunders, a masterful short story writer, takes a well-known tragedy in the life of one of the most honoured US presidents as the jumping-off point for his first novel. Abraham Lincolns son Willie died of typhoi...

  • 英文中的“别离”怎么说

    17-02-10 The seagulls fly off, the waves roll away and we depart. 海鸥飞去,波澜滚滚地流开,我们也别离了。 And ever has it been that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation. 除非临到了别离的时候,爱永远不会知道自己的深浅。 I couldnt even ta...

  • 好莱坞电影里的表白方式

    17-01-23 I want all of you, forever, you and me, every day. 我想拥有你的全部,永远,你和我,每时每刻都在一起。 I love you. I always have. And I always will. 我爱你。我一直都爱着你,并将永远爱你。 When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with...

  • 丹麦生活方式hygge掀起世界风潮

    16-11-30 For those not familiar, hygge refers to the Danish lifestyle craze thats seen something of an international hysteria of late; a concept roughly described as a feeling of comfort and contentment, as well as indulging in all the good things and people...

  • 加快排队结账速度的几个小技巧

    16-10-05 It can be one of the most frustrating things in life waiting in line at the supermarket. 在超市排队结账确是一件很让人懊恼崩溃的事儿。 But new research shows that a few simple life hacks can make the process much quicker and pain-free than you may th...