• 可能预示婚姻已经走到尽头的四个征兆

    21-05-07 You arent intimate with them anymore 你们再也无法亲密相处 Its completely normal for a couples sex life to wax and wane over the span of their marriage. However, if it dies completely, Wilform said this could be a sign the relationship is on the decl...

  • 如何鉴别谁是你的真朋友

    21-05-07 如何鉴别谁是你的真朋友? 想必是很多人的困惑。多伦多大学心理学教授乔丹彼得森(Jordan B. Peterson)在一次演讲中为大家支了两招: 第一,你可以倾诉坏消息,这时朋友们的态度便相当重要。 You can tell them bad news and theyll listen. They wont tell you why y...

  • Youth 青春

    21-05-07 Youth A Poem by Samuel Ullman 青春塞缪尔厄尔曼(王佐良 译) Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind; it is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees; it is a matter of the will, a quality of the imagination, a vigor of the em...

  • Mansfield Park - Chapter 28

    21-05-07 Her uncle and both her aunts were in the drawing-room when Fanny went down. To the former she was an interesting object, and he saw with pleasure the general elegance of her appearance, and her being in remarkably good looks. The neatness and propri...

  • 关于友情的暖心文案

    21-04-29 The most important thing in life will always be the people in this room, right here, right now. Youll always be with me. And youll always be my brother. 我们生命中最重要的东西就是这屋檐下的人,就在此时,就在此地,你永远在我身边,也永远是我的兄弟! F...

  • 关于读书的名言隽语

    21-04-23 关于读书,古往今来的饱学之士留下了许多名言隽语,今天是世界读书日,为大家分享几则,愿大家每天都能与好书相伴。 For out of olde feldes, as men seyth, Cometh al this newe corn fro yer to yere; And out of olde bokes, in good feyth, Cometh al this newe sc...

  • my one and only 我的唯一

    21-04-11 短语 my one and only 用来形容 某人生命中最重要的那个人,即 我的唯一。它用来表示 此人是我唯一心爱的另一半。短语中的 my(我的) 可以用其它形容词性物主代词替换。 例句 My partner is amazing! I love her so much. She is my one and only. 我爱人真是太棒了!...

  • 火山生成的新岛可能提供火星生命的证据

    21-04-07 一座位于太平洋中的小岛可能会为科学家提供火星上存在生命的证据。这座岛屿其实是一座水下火山露出水面的部分,恰恰是这座火山的活动为一些简单生物的形成提供了可能性。而火星上也有类似的火山残留痕迹。 Our planets youngest island has a tongue-twister of a name...

  • suffer an accidental setback 马失前蹄

    21-03-24 马失前蹄,汉语成语,本指马匹奔跑时前蹄弯折(the horse stumbles,the horse trips);后引申为失算、栽跟斗,发生差错而受挫。可以翻译为suffer an accidental setback,make a mistake by accident。 例句: 此人一辈子做事小心谨慎,但也有马失前蹄的时候。 This...

  • 慢跑会导致英年早逝?

    21-02-27 If you think that running marathons will help you live a long and healthy life, new research may come as a shock. According to a recent scientific study, people who do very strenuous activities are as likely to die as people who do no exercise at al...