• 如何区分doctor的两层含义

    21-08-23 说到doctor,问题就来了,doctor既可以表示医生,也可以表示博士。那么到底应该如何区分这两层含义呢? doctor的两层含义如何区分? doctor的第一层含义是指接受过专业训练、可以给他人治病的人,也就是医生。 You should see a doctor about that cough. 你应该找医生...

  • to the letter 一字不差的严格执行

    21-08-19 短语 to the letter 的意思是一字不差的严格执行或遵守规定。 例句 The soldier obeyed his commanders orders to the letter - and it cost him his life. Ill give you my special cake recipe but if you want it to turn out well, you must follow it to the lett...

  • make hay while the sun shines 趁热打铁

    21-07-13 人们常用make hay while the sun shines 要趁太阳高照晾晒干草来规劝他人把握机会、勿失良机,这个谚语和汉语成语趁热打铁的意思相近。有时我们也会省略它后半部分的while the sun shines,直接说make hay。另一个同样表示趁热打铁的英语说法是strike while the iron i...

  • variety is the spice of life 丰富多彩的生活才乐趣横生

    21-07-12 Variety is the spice of life 是一个英语谚语,意思是丰富多彩是生活的情趣所在或有变化生活才有乐趣。我们可以用这句话来鼓励他人或激励自己对生活要抱有积极的态度,多尝试不同的事物,让生活多样化,更加富有朝气。 例句 A: I didnt know you did windsurfing. A:...

  • 报复性睡前拖延症

    21-07-12 研究显示,长期睡眠不足会对人的记忆力、身体健康等产生一定的影响。 Insufficient sleep degrades thinking, memory, and decision-making. Sleep deprivation also raises the risk of daytime sleepiness, which can harm productivity and academic achievement wh...

  • beach bum 海滩客

    21-07-02 在非正式英语中,可以将 经常在海滩消遣、游玩的人 称作 beach bum(海滩客)。 例句 My big brother is a real beach bum he would spend his whole life on the beach if he could! 我哥哥是一个不折不扣的海滩客,如果可以的话,他会在海滩上过一辈子! I love to h...

  • 暖心的毒舌

    21-07-01 My prince is not coming on a white horse. Hes obviously riding a turtle somewhere really confused... 我的王子并没有骑着白马向我走来,很显然他正在哪儿骑着乌龟困惑不已 Dear Bestfriend, please stay in my life forever because youre one of the best thing...

  • 复古二手时尚的兴起

    21-06-28 对于追求时尚的人来说,有一种选择比买新衣服更省钱,那就是淘二手古着。另一方面,如果你在意 快时尚 给气候变化造成的影响,那么旧衣新穿也许更适合你。 Do you take care about what you wear? Some people are very fashion-conscious, carefully selecting the cl...

  • 是你 点燃了我的生命!

    21-06-24 Be good to everyone who becomes attached to us; cherish every friend who is by our side; 善待,每一个和我们结缘的人;珍惜,我们身边的每一个朋友; love everyone who walks into our life. 爱,生命中,每一个和我们结缘的人。 It must be fate to get acquai...

  • The Story of Ms. Marvel 惊奇队长的故事

    21-06-23 Until recently, Jersey Citys Kamala Khan didnt think she was special. But one night not too long ago, everything changed. Kamala was caught in a mysterious mist, and when she recovered, she realized that her Inhuman powers were suddenly activated. K...