• 法律英语:Lawyer 律师

    14-11-25 A lawyer shall not represent both parties involved in the same case. 律师不得在同一案件中,为双方当事人担任代理。 A lawyer should assist in maintaining the integrity and competence of the legal profession. 律师应该帮助维护律师界的正直和业务能力。 A...

  • 被戴绿帽子 美国男子用中指雕像泄愤

    13-11-25 In Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, Alan Markovitz, not satisfied with expressing his distaste for his ex-wife in just words, has bought and moved into a home that sits right next door to a house that's occupied byhis ex-wife. 美国密歇根州一名男子因不满...

  • wrongful conviction 冤假错案

    13-10-15 We should fully understand that lawyers are an integral part of the legal community, an ally of the courts and an irreplaceable force in preventing wrongful convictions , Shen said in an article published in People's Court Daily. 沈德咏在《人民法院...

  • 诺基亚与苹果结束版权纠纷

    11-06-14 Nokia has announced that Apple has agreed to pay royalties for use of its technologies, ending the long-running legal dispute between the two firms. 诺基亚宣布,苹果同意就使用其技术而赔偿版税,结束了两家公司长久以来的法律纠纷。 The agreement will re...

  • 阿根廷同性婚姻合法化

    10-07-17 Argentina has become the first Latin American country to legalize same-sex marriage. 阿根廷于成为拉美首个同性婚姻合法化的国家。 The move grants(授予,同意) homosexual couples all the legal rights, responsibilities and protections that marriage giv...

  • From The Cabby's Seat

    10-05-26 The cabby(计程车司机,马车车夫) has his point of view. It is more single-minded, perhaps, than that of a follower of any other calling. From the high, swaying seat of his hansom(二轮轻马车) he looks upon his fellowmen as nomadic(游牧的,流浪的...

  • Facebook“原创者”宣告继续依法维权

    10-04-02 The two Americans who were awarded millions of dollars after claiming they had come up with the idea for Facebook say their legal battle isn't over. 两位美国人因宣称自己提出了建立Facebook的想法而获数百万美元奖励,日前他们宣称他们的维权行动尚未结束。...

  • Nigerian anger over China deaths 尼日利亚对其国民在中国之死

    09-09-26 Nigeria MPs have asked the government to investigate the status of Chinese residents in the country, saying some may be staying there illegally. 尼日利亚议员要求政府调查境内华籍居民的身份状态,称其中有些人可能是非法居留。 There are some 20,000 Afric...

  • Autonomous tech 'requires debate' 自主技术“存在争议”

    09-08-20 The coming age of lorries that drive themselves or robots that perform surgery is fraught with legal and ethical issues, says a new report. 一项新报道称,即将到来的会自己开车的卡车、会实行外科手术的机器人的时代充满了法律上和伦理上的争议。 Fully auto...

  • Pirate sites return in legal form Pirate网站转变为合法下载形

    09-07-21 Peer-to-peer download sites Kazaa and The Pirate Bay are set to return with a new, legal subscription model. P2P下载站点Kazaa和he Pirate Bay将启用新的合法的下载方式。 Illegal peer-to-peer file sharing is still rife on the net Kazaa, shut down by a $...