• 英语中常用的连词

    22-11-10 顾名思义,英语连词是用来连接词与词、短语与短语、以及句子与句子的虚词。常用的连词包括and、but、because、even though、while和so。 1. Choose the best conjunction to complete this sentence: He lost his great job ______ he was always late. a) even though...

  • 正式还是非正式用语

    22-10-24 英语书信语言很讲究,把握不好就会失去求职和晋升的机会。《英语小测验》帮你识别信函和电子邮件中出现的正式与非正式用语。 1. Which of the following is NOT a formal way to begin an email? a) Dear Sir/Madam, b) Hiya Phil, c) For the attention of the Head o...

  • ghostlighting 鬼闪

    22-10-10 闪人的方式有很多种,最奇葩的可能是这种:鬼闪(ghostlighting),不打招呼就消失,如果被找到就装作不认识,伤人不说还弄得别人一头雾水。 Ghostlighting refers to ceasing all communication with someone and then, when they attempt to contact you, pretending...

  • jobbymoon 工作转换之间休个假

    22-09-28 日前,一些《纽约时报》的读者们关注到Sarah Firshein在报纸网页上提及的词汇:jobbymoon,即在工作转换之间休个假。 Firshein解释道: ah, i suppose i should give myself a proper jobbymoon instead of all this bleisure travel Tracy Chou (@triketora) June 14,...

  • lie down on the job 敷衍

    22-09-23 无论工作、还是学习,最忌讳的便是敷衍了事。有人说,如果你用敷衍的态度对待生活,那生活同样会回报你一个敷衍的结果。 敷衍了事,中文熟语,指对一件事情不认真,马马虎虎,草草了事(act in a perfunctory manner),take a perfunctory attitude意思是采取敷衍的态...

  • The Godfather 教父 Chapter 26

    22-09-15 The garish suite overlooked the fake fairyland grounds in the rear of the hotel; transplanted palm trees lit up by climbers of orange lights, two huge swimming pools shimmering dark blue by the light of the desert stars. On the horizon were the sand...

  • The Godfather 教父 Chapter 13

    22-09-14 Johnny Fontane sat in the huge recording studio and figured costs on a yellow pad. Musicians were filing in, all of them friends he had known since he was a kid singer with the bands. The conductor, top man in the business of pop accompaniment and a...

  • life-long job 铁饭碗

    22-09-01 很多人羡慕拥有铁饭碗的人,因为这意味着工作稳定,收入无忧,不用担心失业,更不用担心会青黄不接。 铁饭碗(literally iron rice bowl),顾名思义,铁铸的饭碗异常坚硬,难于击破。人们通常将其意延伸,指一份稳定无忧的工作,可以翻译为secure job或stable, life-l...

  • for a song 买了便宜货

    22-08-26 我一直想买幅油画,挂在客厅墙上,可是这里卖的画儿都特别贵。星期天,我开车路过一个小区,几家人正在一起卖旧货。我一眼就看中了一幅特别好看的油画,卖主让我开价,我说50美元,本以为根本没戏,谁知他却一口答应。在英语里,我们可以说:For a song. 大家知道,Son...

  • 用英文“赞”别人

    22-08-16 1. Good job! 干得好! 2. Well done. 真棒! 3. Here you go. 干得好! 4. Terrific! 太棒了! 5. Topnotch! 高手;绝对一流! 6. Awesome! 好极了! 7. Good for you! 太好了! 8. Nice work. 干得好! 9. Super! 好极了! 10. Bravo. 真棒! 11. Nice one. 很不错。...