• group interview 群面

    15-02-15 Group interviews involve getting a group of job candidates together to meet with one or more interviewers. Candidates may be required to participate in work-simulation exercises. These can take the form of group problem-solving sessions where each c...

  • Interview With A Blonde

    14-12-09 The local sheriff in a small suburban town was looking for a deputy. He posted ads in the paper, and sure enough, Lisa, a wonderful looking blonde, went in to try out for the job. She wasn't the sharpest nail in the bucket, but seeing as she had a n...

  • 90后对工作十分挑剔

    14-06-13 Members of the post-1990 generation looking for work apply for multiple positions and hold high expectations of the jobs, a reflection of young people's changing attitudes amid the country's development, recent research showed. 近期研究表明,90后找...

  • 面试时雇主不得涉及的五个问题

    14-05-03 If you're looking for a new job, you know you're going to have to answer some tough questions in the interview process. But did you know there are some questions that are illegal for employers to ask you? 如果你正在找工作,那你一定很清楚,面试过程中...

  • 斯诺登日前高调露面接受采访

    13-12-30 Keeping a mostly low-profile as a US fugitive in Moscow, former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden has suddenly resurfaced in the media, saying he is confident his personal mission is already accomplished and he has already won after...

  • 英国一毕业生面试时被要求跳舞

    13-09-08 英国一名大学毕业生最近去参加一家电子产品零售旗舰店的销售助理职位集体面试时,面试官没有让应聘者展示任何他们擅长或喜爱的技能或活动,而是要求他们现场跟着播放的歌曲跳舞。 A university graduate says he was left humiliated after being asked to dance to a...

  • 纹身会减少就业机会

    13-09-05 Having a tattoo can reduce your chance of getting a job, but it depends on where the tattoo is, what it depicts and if the job involves dealing with customers, new research says. Dr Andrew R. Timming told the British Sociological Association confere...

  • 克林顿之女不排除将来会参加竞选

    13-04-09 Chelsea Clinton, daughter of President Bill Clinton, has left the door open to running for office one day, in an interview with NBC's Today show. 美国前总统比尔克林顿之女切尔西克林顿在接受NBC采访时透露,保留将来参加竞选的可能性。 Chelsea Clinton spe...

  • interview-screening process 面试筛选

    12-09-12 Several steps, such as reducing the interview-screening process, building a new consulate in Guangzhou and expanding current offices, are being taken to ease the entry process for Chinese visitors. 美国驻华使馆表示,将采取多项措施放宽对中国公民入境...

  • Exit interview 辞职面试

    12-07-19 An exit interview is an interview conducted by an employer of a departing employee. Exit interviews are conducted by paper and pencil forms, telephone interviews, in-person meetings or online through exit interview management systems. Some companies...