• Of Human Bondage 人性的枷锁 Chapter 30

    22-07-18 Philip was restless and dissatisfied. Haywards poetic allusions troubled his imagination, and his soul yearned for romance. At least that was how he put it to himself. And it happened that an incident was taking place in Frau Erlins house which incr...

  • 12个和yourself相关的搭配 上

    22-04-02 1. be yourself 行为自然;不做作 The best thing you can do is to go into the interview and just be yourself. 你最明智的选择就是进去面试时自然地表现自己。 2. (all) by yourself 独自地 Im amazed you managed to move those boxes all by yourself. 你居然能...

  • How To Ace Your Job Interview

    22-03-09 An recent Italian immigrant to New York wanted a job, but the foreman wont hire him until he passes a little math test. Heres your first question, the foreman said. Without using numbers, represent the number 9. Without numbers? the Italian says, Da...

  • fast and furious 迅猛刺激,扣人心弦

    22-01-22 表达 fast and furious 用来形容 活动、情况或事物进展迅速,或紧张刺激、扣人心弦。在句子中,fast and furious 既可以作形容词成分,也可以作副词成分使用。 例句 The football match was really fast and furious. It was hard to know where the ball was going ne...

  • five o'clock shadow 男生脸上的胡茬

    22-01-07 最近追的一部美剧里有这样一句台词: You cant go for your interview with a five oclock shadow ! 如果你理解为你不能在五点时去面试!那就大错特错啦! 透露一下:这句话可是专门用在男性身上的哦,女孩们学会就可以去调侃男朋友啦! five oclock shadow 知道five o...

  • butterflies in my stomach 感到紧张

    22-01-04 当人们因为某件事情感到既兴奋又紧张的时候就可以说 butterflies in their stomach. 例句 My interview starts in ten minutes. Ive got butterflies in my stomach! Julie has butterflies in her stomach every time Mike speaks to her. I always get the butterfli...

  • eclipse something 超越于

    21-12-28 如果说你 eclipse 什么东西,那就意味着你超越了或优胜于什么。 例句 She got the job because her interview eclipsed all of the others. Thats the best goal hes ever scored: it eclipses all the rest. This has been such a great day; nothing can eclipse it....

  • between a rock and a hard place 左右为难

    21-12-24 当你身处于岩石与硬壁之间 between a rock and a hard place, 那么你面对棘手问题,让你左右为难或进退两难。 例句 Bill couldnt make up his mind what to do. He was caught between a rock and a hard place. The interview candidates were all so good that Jenny...

  • may the best man win 愿最佳者胜出

    21-12-17 英语短语 May the best man win 意思是愿最佳者胜出。 例句 My best friend and I are both going for the same job interview. All I can say is, May the best man win. Ive got tickets for the Wimbledon final! I dont have a favourite player, so may the best...

  • not a hair out of place 衣冠整洁,一丝不乱

    21-10-28 表达 not have a hair out of place(一丝不乱) 用来比喻某人的 外表形象非常干净、利索,衣冠整洁。 例句 The bride looked perfect she didnt have a hair out of place. 新娘看起来很完美,装扮得完美无瑕。 He turned up for the interview very smartly dressed...