• butterflies in one's stomach 七上八下

    21-08-19 Butterflies in ones stomach 肚子里有蝴蝶 这个短语的意思和汉语里的七上八下相似,用来描述某人感到紧张、忐忑不安。 例句 My interview starts in ten minutes. Ive got butterflies in my stomach! Julie has butterflies in her stomach every time Mike speaks t...

  • uneasy at heart 忐忑不安

    21-06-28 忐忑不安,汉语成语,形容心神不定,极为不安。可以翻译为be fidgety,uneasy at heart,或用make someone sweat表示,意思是to cause one to be in a state of fear, anxiety, or worry。 例句: 面试过程中,他们的确使我忐忑不安。 They really made me sweat durin...

  • 求职面试被拒的原因 下

    21-05-14 You Spoke Poorly About Your Former Workplace 抱怨之前的工作单位 Speaking poorly about former employers or managers could be a red flag for recruiters. There is a fine line between providing legitimate reasons for leaving a company - such as a change...

  • 求职面试被拒的原因 上

    21-05-13 You Didnt Do Your Homework 没做足功课 It is critical to understand the company business, intention, history and mission. It is not uncommon for an executive to start out testing an interviewee with, Tell me what you know about our company and what w...

  • 面试时做过的疯狂事4

    21-05-07 At an interview for a tech startup, I was asked, where do you see yourself in five years? 在一个科技创业公司的面试上,我被问到:你觉得你五年后会在哪里? I answered, in hollywood, making movies. 我回答道:在好莱坞拍电影。 I got the job. Three years l...

  • 求饭碗需跳舞

    21-03-15 How do you feel about job interviews? Im never ready for them no matter how I prepare. In my attempts to impress my prospective employers I end up talking too much and losing my train of thought. Sometimes they ask difficult questions like: Where do...

  • 糟糕的面试经历

    21-01-04 Have you ever attended a job interview? For some people they can be a painful and embarrassing experience, but for others, it can be a chance to shine a platform to perform and show off their talents. But sometimes, even for the most confident candi...

  • 奇怪的工作面试

    20-12-09 Finding a new job isnt always easy. You search for a suitable vacancy, send in an application form and if that goes well, you might be invited for an interview. For some, this is when the panic sets in youre going to be faced by a panel of strangers...

  • to be well-turned-out 衣着光鲜,穿戴讲究

    20-12-03 搭配 to be well-turned-out 用来形容某人的穿戴讲究,衣着漂亮。它指的是一个人的衣着打扮十分讲究,而不是说这个人相貌俊美。To be well-turned-out 既可以用来描述某人平时着装漂亮,也可以形容某人为了出席特殊的场合而打扮得时髦、讲究。这个搭配中的副词 well 也...

  • 申请移民或留学的相关法律词汇3

    20-09-22 G grant n. 同意,准许,许可 H household n.家庭,家庭组合 I illegal a. 非法 illegal alien 非法移民 illegitimate a. 不合法的 illegitimate children 非婚生子女 immediate a. 直接的;即刻的 immediate relatives 近亲属 immigrant n. 移民,侨民 immigrant a. 移民的...