• nonliners 无网人员

    11-10-26 For many of us below a certain age, use of the web is routine, and our children have only ever known a world where going online is an accepted norm of everyday life. However the fact remains that there is still a significant part of the population w...

  • 越来越多的网民将密码列入遗嘱

    11-10-15 英国一项新的调查显示,越来越多的网络用户在写遗嘱时会把自己的网络密码列为其中一项,留给亲人继承。 Online users are leaving internet passwords in their wills as Britons amass a 2.3 billion digital inheritance, new research suggests. A poll of 2,000 ad...

  • 互联网档案馆公布911新闻报道资料

    11-09-11 For many in New York and Washington, Sept. 11, 2001, was a personal experience, an attack on their cities. Most everywhere else in the world, it was a television event. 对很多纽约人和华盛顿人来说, 911事件是一种亲身经历,是他们所在城市遭遇的恐怖袭击...

  • 石墨烯可能用于搭建超高速网络

    11-08-31 Writing in the journal Nature Communications, a collaboration between the Universities of Manchester and Cambridge, which includes Nobel Prize winning scientists Professor Andre Geim and Professor Kostya Novoselov, has discovered a crucial recipe fo...

  • 英国教授用电灯泡作无线上网信号器

    11-08-27 英国爱丁堡大学的一位教授研究出了一项新技术,能够让普通的电灯泡作为无线网络信号传输器,只要开灯,就能无线上网。 Light bulbs could be soon used to broadcast wireless Internet, a leading physicist has claimed. Harald Hass said he has developed a techno...

  • 美国影视剧抢滩中国网络市场

    11-08-14 Hollywood studios are set to break into China's massive Internet market as domestic video sites scramble to screen U.S. movies and dramas on their digital platforms, a move which could also curb rampant piracy. 随着国内视频网站纷纷将美国影视剧搬上数...

  • 移动设备需求增长使英特尔受益匪浅

    11-07-21 The world's largest chipmaker Intel has posted record quarterly revenues and higher profits due in part to strong demand for mobile phones and tablets. 世界最大的芯片生产商英特尔发布的季度收入情况显示,移动电话和平板电脑需求增长使其收益增加。 Revenu...

  • 谷歌上半年盈利超出预期

    11-07-15 Internet giant Google has reported a large rise in profits and revenue, well ahead of market expectations. 2011年上半年,互联网巨头谷歌盈利及收入大幅增长,远超市场预期。 Net profit for the three months to June rose 36% on the same period last year t...

  • cewebrity 网络名人

    11-07-10 Anybody with an Internet connection and a computer can now become a cewebrity . A cewebrity is somebody who is only, or perhaps mostly famous through their presence on the Internet, an Internet personality who crosses over to the mainstream. A web c...

  • 英国婆婆指责准新娘“缺乏风度”信件曝光

    11-07-03 Bride-to-be Heidi Withers was chided by her future mother-in-law for her lack of grace according to a cutting email that she shared with friends. 根据准新娘海蒂威瑟斯与朋友分享的一封言语刻薄的电子邮件,她被未来婆婆指责为缺乏风度。 Heidi Withers and...