• 互联网域名后缀即将解除限制

    11-06-25 国际互联网名称和编号分配公司(ICANN)20日通过表决,宣布将放开对互联网域名后缀的限制,任何机构在支付一定费用后即可申请用任何语言和文字作为其网站的域名后缀。 Move over .com, get ready for .anything .you .can .think .of. The body that controls the way...

  • 澳大利亚将普及高速互联网

    11-06-23 The Australian government has reached an agreement with two telecommunications companies to bring high-speed internet to most of the nation. 澳大利亚政府与两家通讯公司签署协议,全国大部分地区将覆盖高速互联网。 The National Broadband Network Company...

  • 互联网将启用新域名后缀

    11-06-21 A global internet body has voted to allow the creation of new website domain suffixes, the biggest change for the online world in years. 互联网名称与数字地址分配机构投票通过创造新域名后缀的决定,这是近年来网络世界最大的变革。 The Internet Corporatio...

  • 印度网站“我行贿了”日趋火爆

    11-06-11 Imagine if you had to pay a bribe to see your newborn baby, get your water supply connected or obtain your driving licence. It's an everyday fact of life in India - but campaigners are now fighting back, using people power and the internet. 想想吧,...

  • 针对关键系统的网络攻击逐渐增多

    11-04-19 Internet-based attacks on critical systems such as gas, power and water have increased around the world, a report suggests. 一份报告显示,世界上针对诸如石化、电力和水力等关键系统的网络攻击正在逐渐增多。 Security firm McAfee surveyed 200 IT executive...

  • 网络逐渐成为最受欢迎的传媒

    11-03-20 The rapid growth of smartphones and electronic tablets is making the internet favourite for people seeking news, a report released today said. 今日发布的一份报道称,智能手机和平板电脑的飞速发展使网络逐渐成为最受欢迎的获取新闻的途径。 The rapid growt...

  • 世界最大恋童癖网站被关闭

    11-03-17 International police led by a UK team say they shut down the largest internet paedophile ring yet discovered. 一个由英国领导的国际警察团队称他们关闭了一个迄今为止发现的世界上最大的恋童癖网站。 The international network operated out of the Netherland...

  • zero-Pascal clan 零帕族

    11-03-11 The term, zero-Pascal clan , was coined by Internet users referring to those people who are always optimistic and enjoy themselves in spite of work and life pressure. The word Pascal is the unit of measurement for pressure in physics, zero Pascal me...

  • tofu ledger 豆腐帐

    11-02-16 The term, tofu ledger , was originally used to describe account books made by tofu sellers where each sale is clearly recorded and all the costs and profits are counted at the end of each month. But now it refers to detailed accounts of personal exp...

  • “高考”词汇

    11-02-15 Enrollment 高校招生 higher learning institution 高等教育机构 independent recruitment 自主招生 average college enrollment 平均录取率 key universities 重点大学 overseas universities 海外高校 employment market 就业市场 student loans 助学贷款 scholarshi...