• suspended coffee 待用咖啡

    13-07-08 The idea, begun in Naples, Italy, and called Suspended Coffee -- i.e., a customer pays for a coffee and banks it for someone less fortunate who could use a jolt of caffeine and good will -- has become an international internet sensation with coffee...

  • 让网络尽在掌控之中

    13-06-28 As the world becomes increasingly connected, the need to ensure the proper functioning of its many underlying networks -- such as the Internet, power grids, global air transportation and ecological networks -- also is increasing. But controlling net...

  • 奥巴马提议全美学校普及互联网

    13-06-11 President Barack Obama is convinced that if all schools worked more technology into their curriculum, they would also excel. That's why he announced on Thursday a new initiative (pdf) to bring high-speed Internet access to 99 percent of all of the c...

  • 古巴将开发有限的因特网接入

    13-05-29 The government of Cuba has said it will soon expand public access to the internet, although it will maintain restrictions for access at home. 古巴政府宣布即将向公众开放因特网,不过仍然禁止民众在家中上网。 It said that 118 internet points would be se...

  • web rage 网怒

    13-04-27 If you're a regular Internet user, have you ever felt a mounting sense of tension during what seems like an interminable wait for a web page to load? If so, calm down, you could be on the point of succumbing to a bout of web rage ! 如果你经常上网,...

  • Wi-Fi squatter 蹭网族

    13-04-27 Wi-Fi squatter refers to someone who lingers in a public location to use its Wi-Fi internet connection, or who uses such a connection without authorization. Wi-Fi squatter指长时间占用公共场所无线网络连接资源的人,或未经授权使用无线网络连接的人,即Wi...

  • 责任 自由 选择

    13-04-08 I love choices. I love to walk around in bookstores-not because I can buy all the books, but because I could buy one book, and I have so many to choose from. I like buffets(自助餐) . I rarely get to go to them, but when I do, the first thing I do...

  • 2013两会精彩语录英译2

    13-03-10 Zhu Yongxin, a member of the CPPCC National Committee, full-time vice-chairman of the Central Committee of the China Association for Promoting Democracy and vice-president of the Chinese Society of Education, talking about an NPC deputy representing...

  • 多数员工八成上班时间在网上闲逛

    13-02-14 A new study from Kansas State University suggests that we spend even more time than previously thought aimlessly browsing the Internet during our office hours. 据堪萨斯州立大学的一项新调查显示,我们在办公时间内花在漫无目的浏览网页上的时间比我们预想...

  • 网络科技新闻需要仔细研究

    13-01-04 A science-inclined audience and wide array of communications tools make the Internet an excellent opportunity for scientists hoping to share their research with the world. But that opportunity is fraught with unintended consequences, according to a...