• Small town 'online crime hotspot' 英国小镇成为“在线犯罪热点

    09-09-07 Shildon in County Durham has been labelled an internet crime hotspot with a higher percentage of fraudulent purchases than anywhere else in the UK. 英国Durham郡的Shildon被冠以互联网犯罪热点地区,该地区的欺诈购买案件比例比世界上任何一个其它地区都要高...

  • Google browser gets Sony foothold 谷歌浏览器在索尼笔记本站稳

    09-09-02 Sony personal computers are now available with Google's Chrome internet browser following a deal struck between the two technology giants this summer. 今夏索尼、谷歌两大技术巨头一项协议之后,索尼个人电脑已经预装了谷歌的Chrome浏览器。 Google is the w...

  • eBay reaches deal to sell Skype eBay与Skype达成销售协议

    09-09-02 Online auction site eBay has agreed to sell the majority of internet phone company Skype for about $2bn (1.2bn). 在线拍卖网站eBay同意以20亿美元的价格出售网络电话公司Skype的大部分股份。 eBay had said earlier this year that it planned to spin off Skyp...

  • 网瘾 Internet addiction

    09-08-30 据中国广播网的消息,国家卫生部决定在年内公布网瘾诊治标准。目前初步认定每周上网40小时以上即可认为是网瘾,一时间在网瘾界定上引起了广泛争议。 请看相关报道: The treatment standard will list those who surf online for more than 40 hours per week as Inter...

  • Anger at UK file-sharing policy 英国文件共享政策招不满

    09-08-26 Internet service providers (ISPs) have reacted with anger to new proposals on how to tackle internet piracy. 因特网服务提供商对如何解决互联网隐私的提议很恼火。 The government is proposing a tougher stance which would include cutting off repeat offen...

  • Green domain sparks war of words 绿色占领引发口水战

    09-08-14 The battle to take control of a new internet domain aimed at environmental groups has escalated. 以环保团体为目标的掌握新因特网控制权的战役已然升级。 One of the consortiums(联合,合伙) preparing a bid to control .eco, as it is known, has published...

  • Rehab staff 'killed web addict' 网瘾少年被教师打死

    09-08-06 A Chinese teenager sent to an internet addiction rehabilitation camp has allegedly been beaten to death by its counsellors, according to reports. 报道称,一名中国青少年被送往网瘾戒除夏令营,结果却被辅导员打死。 A number of employees of the Qihang Sa...

  • 电击疗法 shock therapy/treatment

    09-07-29 卫生部近日发布《关于停止电刺激(或电休克)治疗网瘾技术临床应用的通知》,对近期各地出现的网瘾电击疗法做出暂不宜应用于临床的研究结论,要求各地立即停止该项治疗。 请看相关报道: China has banned the use of shock therapy to treat Internet addiction after i...

  • Unsung heroes save net from chaos 无名英雄保网络正常

    09-07-23 Crack teams of volunteers keep the net online and functioning, according to leading internet lawyer Jonathan Zittrain of Harvard University. 哈佛大学首席互联网律师Jonathan Zittrain称,一组无名志愿者保证网络的在线和运转。 The same social structures t...

  • Apps 'to be as big as internet' 移动应用“将会和因特网一样广

    09-07-21 The market for mobile applications, or apps, will become as big as the internet, peaking at 10 million apps in 2020, a leading online store says. 一家领导性的网络商店表示,移动应用程序的市场将会像互联网那么广泛,到2020年将会达到数百万的顶峰。 The in...