• 芬兰拟取消现有一切福利制度

    15-12-19 The Finnish government is currently drawing up plans to introduce a national basic income. A final proposal won't be presented until November 2016, but if all goes to schedule, Finland will scrap all existing benefits and instead hand out 800 ($870)...

  • 家庭收入父母学力影响孩子大脑结构

    15-03-31 Characterizing associations between socioeconomic factors and children's brain development, a team including investigators from nine universities across the country reports correlative links between family income and brain structure. Relationships b...

  • 新加坡将提升高收入阶层的个人所得税

    15-02-25 Singapore will raise the personal income tax rates for its top earners from 2016, with the top marginal rate up 2 percentage points to 22 percent, in order to meet the needs of surging government expenditure. 新加坡将于2016年提高高收入者的个人所得税...

  • Best of times

    14-11-24 Between persons of equal income there is no social distinction except the distinction of merit. Money is nothing; character, conduct, and capacity are everything. Instead of all the workers being leveled down to low wage standards and all the rich l...

  • Equality and greatness

    14-11-24 Between persons of equal income there is no social distinction except the distinction of merit. Money is nothing; character, conduct, and capacity are everything. Instead of all the workers being leveled down to low wage standards and all the rich l...

  • Simple Calculation 简单估算费

    14-08-13 A housewife didn't know how to estimate the cost of living, so she asked her husband about it。 Her husband said, It's very simple. Take our income and add 30 per cent. 有个家庭主妇不知道怎样估算他们的生活费用,就去问她的丈夫。 她的丈夫说:很简单。...

  • expenditure cascade 支出瀑布

    14-02-25 An expenditure cascade occurs when the rapid income growth of top earners fuels additional spending by the lower earner wannabes. The cascade begins among top earners, which encourages the middle class to spend more which, in turn, encourages the lo...

  • 法国将对高收入者提高税率75%

    13-12-30 France's highest court has approved a 75% tax on high earners that is one of President Francois Hollande's signature policies. 法国最高法院通过了一项由总统奥朗德签署的政策,该政策规定对高收入者提高税率75%。 The initial proposal to tax individual inc...

  • 夫妻共用账户存钱越多 婚姻越幸福

    13-10-25 In Bloomberg View, Megan McArdle discusses new research that shows that the more couples pool their money, the happier their marriage is. 据《彭博观点》报道,梅甘麦卡德尔在他的新研究中发现:夫妻共同为家庭账户存的钱越多,他们的婚姻越幸福。 These effe...

  • DINKWAD 丁狗族

    13-08-15 What's a DINKWAD ? A DINKWAD is an acronym which stands for double income, no kids, with a dog. It's an extension of a DINK (double income, no kids), not to be confused with a DINKY (double income, no kids yet) or a DINKEM (double income, no kids, e...