• 中国的货币政策将侧重于增加中低收入群体的收入水平

    23-01-10 中国人民银行党委书记郭树清近日在接受新华社记者采访时表示,中国的货币政策将侧重于增加中低收入群体的收入水平,加大向民营企业的倾斜力度,以刺激国内需求。 Chinas financial policy will focus on improving the income level of vulnerable groups while steppi...

  • The Godfather 教父 Chapter 17

    22-09-14 The war of 1947 between the Corleone Family and the Five Families combined against them proved to be expensive for both sides. It was complicated by the police pressure put on everybody to solve the murder of Captain McCluskey. It was rare that oper...

  • 美国得州税收额创下历史新高

    22-09-09 Texas is raking in a record-high amount in tax revenue, thanks in part to economic growth and surging inflation pushing the cost of everyday goods higher. 由于经济增长以及通胀飙升导致日用品成本上升,美国得州税收额创下历史新高。 The Lone Star State c...

  • 美国油价持续上涨 低收入人群受影响最大

    22-06-20 根据美国汽车协会6月9日数据,美国普通汽油平均价格达到了每加仑4.99美元(约合人民币33.5元)。高油价正在影响所有美国开车的人,但低收入家庭首当其冲。这是因为,与富裕家庭相比,低收入家庭在交通成本和生活必需品(如食品和能源)上的支出占比更高。 For lower-in...