• This Hole in the Ground 地坑

    15-03-19 There was once a farmer who lived near a road. It was not a busy road, but from time to time, cars passed the farm. Near the farm gate, there was a large hole in the road. This hole was always full of water, and the drivers of the cars could not see...

  • 宇宙曙光中发现超级黑洞

    15-02-27 Scientists have discovered the brightest quasar in the early universe, powered by the most massive black hole yet known at that time. The international team led by astronomers from Peking University in China and from the University of Arizona announ...

  • 含有超重黑洞的已知最小星系

    14-09-20 A University of Utah astronomer and his colleagues discovered that an ultracompact dwarf galaxy harbors a supermassive black hole -- the smallest galaxy known to contain such a massive light-sucking object. The finding suggests huge black holes may...

  • dead-cat hole 死猫洞

    14-07-10 Dead-cat hole refers to the space between the top of a car tire and the body of the car, in other words, the space between a car's tire and the wheel well. Dead-cat hole(死猫洞)指汽车轮胎上部与车体之间的空隙,也就是汽车轮胎和轮仓之间的那个空隙。 F...

  • 高速气流从超重黑洞中逃逸

    14-06-20 An international team of astronomers, using data from several NASA and European Space Agency (ESA) space observatories, has discovered unexpected behavior from the supermassive black hole at the heart of the galaxy NGC 5548, located 244.6 million li...

  • 英国男子在自家后院建霍比特人洞穴

    14-03-31 A British man has figured out a way to bring some movie magic to his own backyard. 英国贝德福德一名男子阿什利耶茨受《指环王》小说的影响,在自家后院建造出一个霍比特人洞穴。 Ashley Yeates, a 30-year-old gardening and construction expert from Bedford,...

  • 天文学家发现一个小型超强黑洞MQ1

    14-03-01 A team of Australian and American astronomers have been studying nearby galaxy M83 and have found a new superpowered small black hole, named MQ1, the first object of its kind to be studied in this much detail. Astronomers have found a few compact ob...

  • 霍金对黑洞提出全新解释

    14-02-16 Wait, so my life may not have disappeared down a black hole after all? 等等,你刚才是说,我不会被黑洞所吞噬? There is a chance for it to emerge and bloom like the career of David Hasselhoff? It's charming when a phrase enters the language and we th...

  • 冰岛建成首个岩浆地热资源开发系统

    14-01-27 In 2009, a borehole drilled at Krafla, northeast Iceland, as part of the Icelandic Deep Drilling Project (IDDP), unexpectedly penetrated into magma (molten rock) at only 2100 meters depth, with a temperature of 900-1000 C. The borehole, IDDP-1, was...

  • 天文学家揭示神秘黑洞喷流的成分

    13-11-14 An international team of astronomers has answered a long standing question about the enigmatic(神秘的) jets emitted by black holes, in research published today in the journal Nature. Jets are narrow beams of matter spat out at high speed from near...