• 《爱丽丝梦游仙境-1》第3章

    22-12-22 Alices screams echoed as she tumbled head over heels down the enormous, dark hole. Her hands reached out, searching for something to stop her fall, and she realized that the walls around her were lined with odd things things you would never expect t...

  • 美国国家航空航天局发布黑洞的“声音”

    22-11-25 Spooky or soothing? You decide. 这个声音是诡异,还是舒缓?你觉得呢? This is what a huge black hole in space sounds like. 这就是太空中一个巨大黑洞的 声音。 US space agency Nasa recorded it from the Perseus galaxy more than 200 million light-years aw...

  • 英国传统运动:高尔夫

    22-11-02 现代高尔夫运动起源于15世纪的苏格兰,这里有很多历史悠久的高尔夫球...

  • 让别人闭嘴的常用口语表达

    22-08-18 1. Put a sock in it (英式英语) Ive had enough of your moaning for one day. Why dont you put a sock in it? 这一天我都在听你抱怨,安静一点行不行啊! 注:有时候你也会听到put a cork in it,意思是一样的。 2. Cork it Shhh, cork it and listen to him. 嘘...

  • 被陨石砸中的狗屋被拍卖

    22-05-20 一大块火星陨石、一些陆续坠落在某座宁静英格兰小镇的太空岩石,还有一间被 天外来客 刺穿的狗屋。这三件物品都会在伦敦拍卖行佳士得( Christies )举办的年度稀有和独特陨石拍卖会上拍卖。 Imagine Rocky the dogs surprise! His neat little house with a big R ove...

  • burn a hole in your pocket 一有钱就想花

    21-12-06 可以想象如果我们的衣服口袋里有一件东西发烫像要烧起来似的,那我们的第一反应肯定是要马上把它掏出来扔掉。表达money burns a hole in someones pocket 钱在某人的口袋里烧了一个洞的意思是钱在某个人的口袋里留不住,此人一有钱就想花,存不了钱。它也可被用来形容...

  • in the hole 负债累累

    21-08-20 当某人说自己 in the hole, 意思就是他遇到经济困难,负债累累。至于具体欠了多少,只需在这个短语前加上数字就行。 例句 Im very worried. I have just lost my job and Im $1,000 in the hole. Economists are scratching their heads. The global recession has lef...

  • square peg in a round hole 格格不入

    21-08-02 如果一个人被形容为a square peg in a round hole意思就是他是一个不适宜担任某一职务的人。他的性格,表现或态度与周围的人都不一样,和大家格格不入。 例句 If you want a long career here youre going to have to try not to be such a square peg in a round hole...

  • down the rabbit hole 掉进无底洞

    21-04-17 表达 down the rabbit hole 用来描述陷入一个愈发奇怪、令人摸不着头脑或出人意料的状况,而且一件事情促使另一件事情的发生,接连不断,因此越陷越深、无从脱身。 Down the rabbit hole 因出现在英国作家刘易斯卡罗尔的文学作品《爱丽丝梦游仙境》中而被人广泛使用。...

  • 天文学家发现距地球最远的巨型黑洞

    21-04-07 近日,天文学家发现了迄今为止已知最遥远的超大黑洞。这个大量吞噬其周围物质的黑洞离地球的距离为130亿光年。 Scientists used telescopes in Chile and Hawaii and an orbiting NASA probe to detect a black hole 13 billion light years away from Earth at the ce...