• to bite someone's head off 严厉斥责、大发脾气

    21-08-16 To bite someones head off 的意思是对某人严厉斥责、大发脾气,而且往往是在对方没有准备的情况下。 例句 Im very sorry I lost my temper, I didnt mean to bite your head off. Dont bite my head off, it wasnt my fault, I was just explaining the situation. 请...

  • to pop your head out 把头探出去

    21-08-09 如果某人说要 pop his/her head out,意思就是此人正准备快速的看一眼外面的情况。 例句 Im just going to pop my head out and check the weather. Could you pop your head out of the window and see whats caused the traffic to stop? 请注意 我们用短语 eyes pop...

  • scream your head off 大声狂叫

    21-08-03 短语 scream ones head off 的意思是长时间的大声狂叫。 例句 In Edvard Munchs painting the figure is screaming his head off in despair. When my mother saw the mouse on the kitchen floor, she started screaming her head off! My friends baby was screaming...

  • to bury your head in the sand 逃避现实

    21-08-02 自然界有这样一个神话:每当鸵鸟面对捕食者时就会把自己的头往沙子里扎。据信它们这样做是认为看不到危险,那么危险就会消失。假如鸵鸟果真是这样做的话,那么它们将会面对更大的风险, 因为它们实际上是将自己放入了一种难以逃脱的境地。从人的角度来看把你的头埋在沙...

  • hit the nail on the head 击中要害

    21-07-21 成语 to hit the nail on the head 意思是说中了问题的关键、切中要害。 例句 I think Jemma hit the nail on the head when she said that the management lacked inspiration. Peter hit the nail on the head when he spoke out against bullying in the school. 请...

  • can't get your head around something 搞不明白

    21-07-21 Cant get your head around something 可以用来表示搞不懂某事、不明白某事。大家可以根据需要将表达中的 your 改成 my、our 等。 例句 Roger has tried to explain the laws of cricket, but it sounds so complicated that I just cant get my head around it. Every...

  • get a head start 获得领先优势

    21-07-07 Head start 指竞赛或赛跑中的先起步优势,通常与介词 on 或 over 搭配。Get a head start 的意思是有个领先开端或者领先一步; get a head start on/over somebody 的意思是在开始时就比其他人更有优势,领先于他人。 例句 Go to sleep early, so you can get a head st...

  • have your nose in a book 埋头读书

    21-07-07 表达have ones nose in a book 鼻子紧贴书本用来形容一个人专心致志读书的样子,和我们 埋头看书这个常用搭配的意思相同。 另外,表达have your head buried in a book和have your head stuck in a book也表示同样的意思。我们通常把爱读书的人叫做bookworm 书虫。 例...

  • 《玩具总动员》第8章

    21-06-23 Tangled in dusty Christmas lights, Woody crawled through the mountains of junk in the closet and finally tumbled out into the hall. Buzz? he called out softly. The coast is clear. Buzz, where are you? Buzzs voice echoed from down the hall: Theres a...

  • see stars 眼冒金星

    21-06-04 想一想,除了抬头望天之外,你还能在什么时候看到星星?被撞倒或是被打到眼冒金星的时候。 所以see stars又有眼冒金星的意思。 if you see stars, you are partly unconscious because you have been hit on the head. (头部受撞击而)眼冒金星 例句: I bumped my he...