• 小天使们的伤心故事 下

    21-06-02 In recent news, a man had entered into an electrified swimming pool to save his daughter and subsequently died from electrocution. His daughter survived. 最近有个新闻,有个男人进到一个通了电的游泳池去救他的女儿,随后他就触电死亡,但是他的女儿活下来...

  • 上头

    21-05-28 Be strongly obsessed with sb obsess v.使痴迷;使迷恋 He was obsessed with the American films. 他疯狂的迷上了美国电影。 另外,obsessed也可以替换成其他类似的单词: be fascinated by someone be crazy about sb be crush on sb 都表示对某人一见倾心;疯狂迷恋...

  • get your head down 集中全部精力;躺下睡觉

    21-04-11 如果你 get your head down(把你的头低下来),意思就是 你把全部的精力集中在一项特定的任务上,全力以赴。Get your head down 也可以表示 躺下睡觉。 例句 I need to get my head down and finish my homework I have got so much to do. 我得全力以赴,完成作业。...

  • head in the clouds 心不在焉,胡思乱想

    21-04-11 表达 head in the clouds 可以用来描述某人 心不在焉,注意力不集中。在谈论某人白日做梦、空想时,也可以使用这个表达。Head in the clouds 的另一个用法是形容某人的 想法不切实际,异想天开,可能暗指这个人 脱离现实。 例句 The receptionist didnt seem to be lis...

  • 我们离半机械人时代又近了一步

    21-02-23 多年来,科幻小说一直在不断地为我们描绘各种体能超强的半机械人类生活在未来的场景。随着生物科技的迅速发展,半机械人类的时代离我们又近了一步。最新的一项生物科技突破是否证明集成技术的发展前景无限光明? I am a massive science fiction geek. Ever since I wa...

  • lose one's mind 神魂颠倒

    21-02-18 神魂颠倒,汉语成语,意思是精神恍惚,颠三倒四,失去常态(be in a confused state of mind)。形容对人、物或事入迷着魔,可以翻译为be infatuated,be entranced,lose ones mind。 例句: 她为他神魂颠倒。 Shes lost her head over him. 坠入爱河必已使你神魂颠倒...

  • 秃头的烦恼

    21-02-09 不论男女,有些人,到了年龄就会开始谢顶。这个现实着实让人难以接受,所以人们大多都愿意尝试防止秃头的药物疗法。据说,世界上的确存在能治愈脱发的良方,但这些办法真的管用吗?现代科学能否提供更有效的疗法?秃头对人有什么好处吗? For many it means nothing at...

  • Work: A Story of Experience - Chapter 17

    21-01-24 TEN years earlier Christie made her dbut as an Amazon, now she had a braver part to play on a larger stage, with a nation for audience, martial music and the boom of cannon for orchestra; the glare of battle-fields was the red light; danger, disease...

  • Under the Lilacs - Chapter 18

    21-01-21 If Sanchos abduction made a stir, one may easily imagine with what warmth and interest he was welcomed back when his wrongs and wanderings were known. For several days he held regular levees, that curious boys and sympathizing girls might see and pi...

  • Under the Lilacs - Chapter 6

    21-01-21 After supper that night, Bab and Betty sat in the old porch playing with Josephus and Belinda, and discussing the events of the day; for the appearance of the strange boy and his dog had been a most exciting occurrence in their quiet lives. They had...