• Slay=Killed it/nailed it 绝杀

    22-02-08 Slay=Killed it/nailed it 绝杀 常玩游戏的同学可能会留意到Slay,那它是什么意思呢?它就是绝杀的意思。尤其是在王者荣耀里面,依然记得那声Slay。 SMDH=Shaking My Damn Head 不赞同 常看美剧的同学会注意到Shake my head,就是不赞同的意思,那么Shaking my damn he...

  • talk one's head off 喋喋不休,说个不停

    22-02-07 作动词,意思是喋喋不休,说个不停,常用于劝说某人或者跟某人争论的时候。 I talked my head off trying to convince them. 我不停地劝说,想尽力说服他们。...

  • use your head 动脑筋,好好想想

    22-02-07 美国俚语,作动词,字面意思用你的头,实际意思很好猜动脑筋,好好想想。常用于课堂上有个题目你不会做,请教老师后,老师鼓励你自己解决。 You know the answer, use your head! 你知道答案的,好好想想。...

  • in over one's head 处于不妙的境地却无法摆脱

    22-02-07 over ones head需要跟in over ones head区分开来,in over ones head在美国俚语里的意思是处于不妙的境地却无法摆脱,类似于陷入困境,带着身不由已的些许意味。 He tried to stop,but he was in over his head. 他想金盆洗手,却又身不由己。...

  • don't lose your head 不要失去理智

    22-02-07 Dont lose your head里的head理解为头脑,理智,可以翻译为不要失去理智,但为了更接地气,一般理解为别乐昏了头。 Dont lose your head if your team is in trouble. 如果你的团队有麻烦了,你也不要惊慌失措。...

  • good head 和蔼可亲的人

    22-02-07 作名词,在美国俚语里指和蔼可亲的人,属于青少年用语。 My English teacher is a good head. 我的英语老师是个和蔼可亲的人。...

  • gut

    22-01-25 从生理学上看,gut表示人体内的肠子。 但在英文口语中,这个词至少有两种用法,一是代表直觉;二是代表勇气或者胆量。 ①When you lose your head, just follow your gut. 当你手足无措之时,请跟随你的直觉。 ②-He is such a bastard, and I just want to give him a...

  • head and shoulders above someone 出类拔萃

    22-01-12 出类拔萃,汉语成语,意思是超出同类之上,形容一个人才能出众。可以翻译为among the select best,outstanding或prominent等。与英文习语head and shoulders above someone意思相近,表示much better than other people。 例句: 在同龄人中出类拔萃 Tower head and s...

  • keep your head above water 勉强逃脱困境

    21-12-29 6 keep your head above water above water有摆脱困境、摆脱麻烦的意思。溺水时,我们尽可能要做的就是让头部浮出水面,因此这个习语也就是勉强逃脱困境;设法不举债;挣扎求存的意思。 例句: The cost of living is now so high that you need to earn a good income...

  • head over heels 完全陷入爱情的感觉

    21-12-28 Head over heels 这个短语往往被用来形容完全陷入爱情的感觉。 例句 Im head over heels in love with my new boyfriend hes wonderful. I think theyll get married soon - hes fallen head over heels for that girl. 请注意 如果你对某件事情的态度被形容为 digging...