• 控制温室气体甲烷排放量

    11-03-02 Methane(甲烷) is an extremely potent(有效的) greenhouse gas. Wetlands, gas hydrates, permafrost(永久冻土) , termites(白蚁类) , oceans, freshwater bodies, non-wetland soils, are all natural sources of atmospheric methane; however, the majorit...

  • 陆地淡水中释放的甲烷超过预测值

    11-01-07 An international team of scientists has released data indicating that greenhouse gas uptake(摄取,领会) by continents is less than previously thought because of methane emissions from freshwater areas. John Downing, an Iowa State University profes...

  • 新技术可改善农作物微气候

    10-12-29 A study in HortTechnology featured a new technology that improved greenhouse climates by reducing solar heat radiation and temperatures during the hot summer season. The study, published by a team of Canadian researchers, was the first investigation...

  • 江河水道中富含温室气体

    10-12-21 Nitrous oxide(一氧化二氮) , a potent greenhouse gas, has increased by more than 20 percent over the last century, and nitrogen in waterways is fueling part of that growth, according to a Michigan State University study. Based on this new study, th...

  • 联合国气候大会闭幕 未达成重要协议

    10-12-14 在墨西哥海滨城市坎昆举行的联合国气候谈判大会于周六闭幕,各国在对抗气候变化方面仅做出少量承诺,并同意为贫困国家提供更多资金,但有关大规模减排的艰难协议要到明年才有可能达成。 The world's governments agreed on Saturday to modest steps to combat climate...

  • 森林大火加剧了气候变化

    10-12-06 Climate change is causing wildfires to burn more fiercely, pumping more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere than previously thought, according to a new study to be published in Nature Geosciences this week. This is the first study to reveal that fi...

  • 测量全球变暖对岩石的影响

    10-10-21 The capture and storage of carbon dioxide in deep geologic(地质的) formations, a strategy for minimizing the impacts of greenhouse gases on global warming, may currently be technologically feasible(可行的) . But one key question that must be ans...

  • carbon footprint 碳足迹

    10-08-31 随着联合国气候变化峰会的召开,关于温室气体排放,碳足迹,以及节能减排的讨论成为各家媒体热议的话题。有关专业机构还设计出一个碳足迹计算器,让每个人都了解自己的行为对环境造成的影响。那么,这个碳足迹到底是什么意思呢?我们今天就来说一说。 A carbon footpri...

  • 粮农组织呼吁“肉食者”改吃昆虫

    10-08-21 全球气候日益暖化,世界人口不断增长,联合国粮农组织呼吁肉食者改吃昆虫,并正在考虑推广昆虫食品,以减少温室气体排放量。研究显示,饲养牛、羊等家畜需要占用全球三分之二的农田,而且导致全球变暖的温室气体中有五分之一是家畜及其饲养过程中排放出来的。 Saving t...

  • 环境气候词汇2

    10-07-20 尾气净化器 exhaust purifier 无铅汽油 lead-free gasoline 天然气汽车 gas-fueled vehicles 电动汽车 cell-driven vehicles; battery cars 小排量汽车 small-displacement (engine) vehicles 温室效应 greenhouse effect 污水治理 sewage treatment 可回收的旧报纸 sc...