• 细菌是气候变化的关键因素

    14-10-23 Tiny soil microbes are among the world's biggest potential amplifiers of human-caused climate change, but whether microbial communities are mere slaves to their environment or influential actors in their own right is an open question. Now, research...

  • 遵循推荐饮食可能导致温室气体排放量增加

    14-09-06 If Americans altered their menus to conform to federal dietary recommendations, emissions of heat-trapping greenhouse gases tied to agricultural production could increase significantly, according to a new study by University of Michigan researchers....

  • 吃肉同样会引起气候变化

    14-07-23 Eating meat contributes to climate change, due to greenhouse gasses emitted by livestock. New research finds that livestock emissions are on the rise and that beef cattle are responsible for far more greenhouse gas emissions than other types of anim...

  • 天然气不能有效缓解全球变暖

    14-07-22 Both shale gas and conventional natural gas have a larger greenhouse gas footprint than do coal or oil, especially for the primary uses of residential and commercial heating. Dr. Robert Howarth, a professor of ecology and environmental biology, came...

  • 永久冻土消融会加速全球变暖

    14-04-09 A team of researchers lead by Florida State University have found new evidence that permafrost(永久冻土) thawing is releasing large quantities of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere via plants, which could accelerate warming trends. The research...

  • 利用废弃矿井封存二氧化碳

    13-12-09 An abandoned mineral mine near Stanford University is providing geoscientists new insights on how to permanently entomb(埋葬) greenhouse gas emissions in the Earth. For two years, a team of Stanford researchers has been trying to unravel a geologi...

  • 地球工程学似乎不能减缓气候变化

    13-12-06 Reducing the amount of sunlight reaching the planet's surface by geoengineering may not undo climate change after all. Two German researchers used a simple energy balance analysis to explain how Earth's water cycle responds differently to heating by...

  • 钻探开采碳氢化合物影响水生生物

    13-11-07 The degradation of drilling sumps(池) associated with hydrocarbon extraction can negatively affect aquatic ecosystems, according to new research published November 6th in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by Joshua Thienpont and colleagues at Queen...

  • 减少温室气体排放将使6亿人面临严重水荒

    13-09-13 Our current pledges to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, which are projected to set the global mean temperature increase at around 3.5C above pre-industrial levels, will expose 668 million people worldwide to new or aggravated water scarcity. This is...

  • 屎壳郎能减少牲畜粪便发出的温室气体

    13-08-23 Cattle contribute to global warming by burping(打嗝) and farting(放屁) large amounts of greenhouse gases. Some of the same gases are also emitted from cow pats on pastures. But now researchers from the University of Helsinki have found that beet...